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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Have you considered home schooling? Not that having your little disease carriers attending public schools wouldn't be appreciated....
  2. Must be tough being a parent, reading all that graduate level material and still having time to hunt for Sasquatch.
  3. Rural post apocalypse survival 101 Step 1: Stockpile ciggies Step 2: Develop tolerance for chemically enriched water Step 3: Armor the doublewide Step 4: Learn to prepare well marbled human meat and grasshopper
  4. Note "the note" to note the use of quotation marks.
  5. Provide these New Age Cavemen booze and weed and they'll do your hunting and foraging for ya. Imagining eastern Washingtonians trying to survive in the wilderness paints an interesting picture. Most could go the first few months without catching anything and be just fine. Skirmishes over the last remaining ciggypoos would be a constant threat, however. Living in the country and living in the wilderness are two very, very different things.
  6. It's nice to see a 'fiscal conservative' or 'small gubmint libertarian' or whatever moniker these self-styled revolutionaries like to cloak themselves applaud their highly paid representatives to essentially fuck off on the job on our dime by pulling a dead end, partisan publicity stunt. And here I thought lawmakers were actually paid to solve real problems. Smaller (minded) government! They could have opted for reforming the health care bill - removing the $600 1099 filing requirement (complete bullshit...Rednose has probably never heard of it) or the mandate (constitutionally questionable), but that would have required them doing some actual work, most of it without a photo op. How about bringing the deficit down by a) cutting a now fantastically bloated military budget b) ending corporate subsidies and c) taxing the shit out of the wealthiest? This bunch has yet to prove that it doesn't still have a huge corporate cock up it collective ass...just like last year's republicans.
  7. How about shutting the fuck up? No charge.
  8. "Paging Doctor Rob. Doctor Rob, to the Spraydiactrics Ward."
  9. A grade school civics text should clear this one up for you.
  10. Hey, if the Baggers can manage to significantly cut the military budget and corporate (farm, etc) subsidies, I'll join up. They've got to give that social conservative shit up up first, though.
  11. He wants to stick it in the man, but the answer is still no.
  12. Hopefully, he'll die. KIDDING!!!!
  13. Only two new Bagger lawmakers have agreed that they 'would' give up their federal health care benefits. None actually have. REPEAL!!!!!
  14. That strategy hasn't flown well with voters in the past...not at all well.
  15. Repeal Obamacare! LOL
  16. Yup. Less than a month in and already stumbling around wondering where all the love went!
  17. Actually, Obama's been one of the most productive presidents in the past century, if you actually take the time to check out his accomplishments. Whether or not you love TARP et al, it was probably a necessary evil that saved the country from a much worse fate.
  18. "Set vaporizer on stun"
  19. Also, in 40 years, we still don't have any credible evidence that pot is actually bad for you with the exception of the obvious damage caused by smoking it.
  20. True dat. Thanks for coming! OW: The difference is we've got 2.2 million people in the slammer now, half for non violent drug offenses, as opposed to less than a quarter of that in the early 80s. We've got a 9th district ruling that our criminal justice system, fueled primarily by the drug war, is racially descriminatory. And we've got 40 years of drug war with higher illicit use of stronger, cheaper drugs. We didn't have any of that in the 70's when Nixon launched the War on Drugs.
  21. More snuff pics from our favorite kook! Topical, too...if you're fucking insane.
  22. Oh noes! linky
  23. It's likely that pot will wind up like alcohol, which is legal but controlled at the federal level, with most, but not all, states (including WA) allowing prohibition at the country or municipal level by referendum.
  24. Regarding Medical Marijuana... ...legal in 15 states, 20 states considered it in 2010. Although it didn't fly in most states that last year, only in N Dakota did voters resoundingly reject it via initiative. Well, you've got to consider that N Dakotans probably self select for a dull and painful lifestyle. Most of the bills died when the session ended, indicating that the respective legislatures will pick it up again this year. Good synopsis of Med MJ
  25. Nothing's really happening at the federal level, so the only number that really matters is how legislators and voters fall on the issue within a given state. Once enough states move forward, the feds will likely follow. The feds still don't recognize the legality of medical marijuana, despite its being legal in some states (now many states) since the mid 90s. No one ever accused the feds of being too responsive to the public. Right now our voters appear to be at a tipping point for decriminalization and possibly legalization in WA. Last year's session featured a legalization bill, which got much further than expected. This session will also include at least one such bill. There are more conservatives in the legislature now, so an initiative might be necessary to push the issue. Prop 19 failed in CA primarily because voters were unclear as to how it would work (it was poorly written), and because it's proponents were about 10x underfunded. A similar initiative in WA, should one be put forth, will not suffer from either problem.
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