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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. What are you droning on about?
  2. From my cold, dead bong....
  3. Great portraits. Love the Over The Top thing. Extra Gold Stars for the Catholic school girl unies. And the tux. Fred's still out there tearing it up when most people are not just sad and lonely, but dead, too. Apparently, his quick, self deprecating and irreverent wit doesn't quite hit the mark with everyone....thank God. But speculating that he somehow regrets his singularly unique path in life? Ludicrous. When you've accomplished what he has, you'll be in a sound position to judge...yourself, not anyone else.
  4. In this relativistic universe, it's helpful to compare the level of assholishness of Buddhism compared to our cult of choice here at home. Nuff said there... I guess I'll have to exclude the Unitarians and maybe a few of the less glitzy incarnations of the Krist Klub. Their home-made cookies rock. As for evangelicals, well...never met one that wasn't a complete and utter tool. Like flies to shit, I tell ye.
  5. The government should definitely not be in the business of bolstering employment or preventing economic collapse. Sure, that may be a primary factor in the health of the economy, the well being, health, and happiness of the citizenry, and reducing crime, but Ayn says no, so that's that. Simple, clean, and easy to understand for the somewhat less gifted.
  6. It's hard to exploit ever loving kindness. There's no real money in it, either. Plus, enlightenment is just too damn much work. Good bye 8 fold path, hell-o Christianity and Islam. Here's your Bible/Koran, but you don't need to read 'em. I'll tell you what it means. There will be no Q/A. Let's get these monkeys in line.
  7. To add insult to injury, the major banks will now charge consumers every time they use their debit cards for purchases. Time to move everything over to my credit union. Bye bye, fuckheads.
  8. Come to think of it, all house plants do is kick back.
  9. There's a card in the manual I can fill out to send away for a free cook book. I'll need to tick the language desired: English Hindi Tamil Kannada (eh?) Telugu Malayalam Marathi Gujarathi Bengali
  10. You want 80% of public organizations to fail, too? That gets pretty expensive for the taxpayer. Allowing private organizations to do the failing is cheaper. Constant failure is good. Let's not forget that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed are extinct. Would the world be better off if trilobites still dominated things? Your brain doesn't work very well.
  11. Efficiency at its best. After all, why feed 'em?
  12. Reagan (and just about everyone after him) said to the private sector: "Do whatever you want." They did. Not a smart negotiating technique.
  13. more like adam smith? seems like free trade is one of those things that you can fuck you just as well as fix you - seems like in the old days governments played whichever card worked best for them at the time, with mixed results - seems like half-assed and half-best is the best folks can hope for? How about limiting what government does to activities that cannot and should not be provided by self interested parties driven by the profit motive? I'm amazed at the assumption, not even questioned by so many, that private organizations are more efficient and cost effective than public. You mean those organizations that fail 80% of the time within two years? Those organizations that have brought us stratospheric levels of fraud and abject abuse of the public interest through pollution, unsafe drugs, horrific food, and even worse health care? Smart and ethical organizations produce good results, whether public or private. So to you morons out there who make this idiotic assumption (given the stats), you can STFU now about how awesome the private sector is. It's half a bowl full of assholes mixed with half a bowl full of dumbfucks, just like any other sector. In times of scarcity, and we are certainly in one, amortizing risk by banding together with the public's long term interest in mind produces the best outcome. Every man for himself is a recipe for increased fuckedupedness.
  14. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    The Stepford/Son of Sam (Houston) thing was fun while it lasted. Stepford must have allowed one too many demons from Bizarro-World escape from her steely blues. Did someone just open a window in here? Houston hasn't realized yet that the Dumb Vote is too split for him to grab much of that Shoe Fly Pie. Through it all, Mitzy hasn't misplaced a hair from his sculpted coiffure. So far, I'd say the entertainment value of the field hasn't been too bad.
  15. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Phat Phuck versus Mr. Chips.
  16. The manual keeps going on and on about all the redundant safety features. I guess a lot of Indians are killed by pressure cookers.
  17. "When it comes to pressure cookers there is only one name that people across India trust....this versatile cooking utensil has reduced the burden of the housewife and made cooking a lot easier....The Prestige Deluxe works on any type of fuels: Gas, Kerosene, Electric hot plate, Charcoal/Sigree and induction hob." - Owner's manual for a TTK Prestige Deluxe Pressure Cooker, recently purchased on Amazon The thing cooked pre-soaked pinto beans in 3 minutes flat. Un-pressurized cook time for same runs about 1.5 hours.
  18. I can't imagine why people are so dissatisfied. What, with 30% increase in health care premiums over the past 2 years, trillion dollar bills for failed wars (that now risk expanding to yet another war, a failed trillion dollar drug war, 2 trillion dollar tax giveaway to the folks who need it the least...WE NEED TO END HPV VACCINATIONS AND RETURN TO THE GOLD STANDARD. Today's politics is just another reality TV show. Chronic dysfunction, deep stupidity, and emotional infantilismo on parade. Of course, voters have demanded all the above for their viewing pleasure. If the show didn't cost so damn much to produce, it might be more entertaining. I also suspect that this is what happens when the planet reaches its true population limit: one that takes into account our organizational/political limitations for dealing with global resource scarcity + rising expectations + environmental wastage + failed, myth based priorities + the glaring obsolescence of religion and the fantasy world decision making it continues to promote.
  19. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Ron Paul never voted for the mandate to wear underwear on the outside of your pants, the Pentagon's weather control system, or the ban on Bugles Caramel 'n Cheddar.
  20. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Dey sho dance bettuh, too!
  21. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    What has he voted for, Bone? Hmmm...that list doesn't read quite as well on a blog post.
  22. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    To the rear, MAR-RCH!
  23. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    He wants to remove all regulations on the federal level. He is all about leaving it up to the states. And I want a pony. It's cute how much power people think the president has. Alas, presidents don't remove regulation, honey I heard somewhere that keeping what works and reforming just those parts that don't is a good idea, however old fashioned. Gives morons less to pontificate about, perhaps, and its a lot more boring, but...just sayin'.
  24. If it weren't for God enforced morality I would have eaten my climbing partners a long time ago. Must not rape, kill and shoplift...
  25. michael moore's new sensational expose of the porn industry? No, this movie: Fucko, details his 57 years of unwanted abstinence. No woman, even drunk, will screw him, despite his rather large wallet. And the working title "The 57 year Old Virgin", sounded too much like a continuation of a Steve Carell flick done previously. Do ya see where Atheism gets ya?
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