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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. WARSAW, Poland - An agreement that will allow the United States to install a missile defense battery in Poland exposes the ex-communist nation to an attack, a Russian general said Friday.



    And how is that diferent than Russia wanting to use Cuba?


    now what the fuck was russia doing in cuba in the first place? second- how many times did poland attack russia? Zero!. now show of hands, how many times did russia attack poland? well, looking at history books they occupied our country for over 200 years and attacked poland 2 times in 20th century (1919 and 1939). now who is an aggressor?


    Bob, the Soviets were in Cuba because the US was in Turkey. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the public side of things -- the Soviets withdrew their missiles. In exchange, the US quietly dismantled their infrastructure in Turkey. That part doesn't get so much press. Scott mentioned that in his post already.


    As for when the last time was that we attacked Russia... just as a historical curiosity... Hmmm, if you count Poles fighting on the side of Napoleon it was 1811 or thereabouts. Otherwise, I think you might need to go back all the way to 1607-1608, when Poland occupied Moscow and placed a puppet on the throne...

  2. So you claim someone won a 100m free heat race with a time over 1 minute slower than the womens gold medal time?


    Please tell me who this athlete is.


    Go look up Eric the Eel on wikipedia...

  3. Also, let me guess -- Washington dry reds is your poison?

    How'dja know? Cuz I'm married with kids, too? :laf:

    Nah, just basing this on where you live and the occasional hints that you're sitting around with a glass of cab.


    There's some good Syrah in this state (Spring Valley, McCrea, DeLille, Isenhower to name a few), but the Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are uniformly disappointing. They all taste about the same and cost too much.


    McCrea is probably my favorite. They make some excellent reds from varietals most people haven't heard of. Their Mourvedre and Counoise are both very tasty, as is their Viognier.

  4. mutually exclusive


    dry reds are where it's at

    You haven't had much in the way of Grand Cru white Burgundies, have you? There's a reason why they're the world's most expensive wines. I haven't had any of the $1000-2000/bottle wines (those are prices at release), but a $300 was a life-changing experience.


    Or heck, try something by Didier Daguenau -- all the guy makes is Sauvignon Blanc, which is generally an easy-drinking white, but his wines are simply amazing.


    Also, let me guess -- Washington dry reds is your poison?

  5. Hey, I can talk about wine... the cellar is shrinking a little, but there's still ~300 bottles there. Mostly new-world Pinot.

    HTF do you hang on to 300 bottles of wine??? One time, I bought 8 cases and all I did was have all my friends over and get drunk every night for about a month. It went by fast... :(


    Well, I'm married now and have a newborn, so no having friends over for a while... But next time I'm out at Tieton I'll bring a few bottles and ping you, and you can come over and help me out. Also, for years I was a member of 11 wine clubs, so I could drink two bottles of wine a week and watch my cellar grow. Finally, lots of my friends are wine drinkers too, so they often brought bottles. Makes it hard to drink through your stash when you're busy drinking theirs.

  6. My favs are Zubrowka and Luksusowa but I can't really find them easily in EWash.

    There is a really good Fraser River Canadian Vodka, though can't recall the name off hand.

    You can't get proper Zubrowka here anyway... something about the grass in the bottle being a plant, therefore you can't bring it in. Of course how something that's been soaking in vodka for months would harbor anything living is beyond me. Maybe I just need to harvest some bison grass seeds next time I'm visiting Poland, plant them in my garden and then I can have all the Zubrowka I want. BTW, if you like Zubrowka, try mixing it with apple juice... makes for a fantastic drink we Poles call the "szarlotka" (loosely translates to "apple pie").


    Luksusowa is OK. I have some bad experiences with Luksusowa from my college years, so I keep away from it. Chopin is much nicer. And yeah, KKK, Belvedere has a pretty bottle but the contents aren't as good as they should be.

  7. I think I bought in the summer of 06.

    Seems to me that if you can afford it you're better off staying put for another couple of years. Besides, the climbing scene in Nepal isn't sounding that great. I bought my house in June '04 and if I were to sell today, after paying the excise tax and realtor commission I'd probably only just break even.

  8. Sure, for an "appetizer". :laf:


    I'm talking about the main course. And I prefer ukrains'ka z percem, but that's me.


    My father in law detests Polish vodka for some reason, so we never buy it. Chopin is supposed to be quite good, and I liked it the time I tried it. Do you buy it locally, or have to bring "the good stuff" over when you visit Poland?


    I typically buy Chopin. I don't go over often enough to bring back anything. Besides, I tend to save my two-bottle customs limit for cognac and armagnac I picked up in the duty-free. The state-owned liquor stores here suck donkey dick and all stock the same mass-produced shite. I miss the good specialty stores in California...

  9. Next time we're at a bonfire I'll bring some vodka, pickles and marinated mushrooms. You bring the barszcz and garlic. Don't plan on climbing the next day.

  10. borshch and vodka (and fresh garlic). there's nothing better than that, man ;)


    Heretic!!! The ideal accompaniment to vodka are pickles (or maybe marinated mushrooms)

  11. I was hoping to ruffle GGK's feathers. :)


    You know damn well the "friendly" competition about who makes the best vodka and who originated borshch.


    I didn't realize there was competition about the originas of barszcz... you guys have your own variant, we have ours. We call yours "barszcz ukrainski", and other than that it is made from beets it bears little resemblance to what I know as barszcz...


    Of course competing for who invented this poor man's stew is kinda like west virginia and kentucky hicks competing who came up with squirrel on a stick... sure it tastes good and is part of our heritage, but the rest of the world just doesn't get it.

  12. praise jesus and pass the bourbon


    How about a good Polish Vodka instead?!


    That's an oxymoron.

    :noway: Oh whatever... you wouldn't know good Polish vodka if it came up and bit you in the ass. Go find you sippy cup while the adults drink :argue:

  13. Fairweather, which one of the bill of rights is about privacy?


    OW, although the right to privacy is not explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights (or anywhere else in the Constitution for that matter), the Supreme Court has determined that such a right is provided to us constitutionally. This implied right to privacy is the lynchpin of the Roe V Wade decision.


    So the upset you and Matt always express about Bush's perceived privacy invasions is just unfounded hysteria. Got it.


    FW, given that right to privacy does exist, those violations sure as hell are not merely perceived

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