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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. I went up to mailbox today... i couldn't believe the weather and laughed at my stupid pessimism (through tears - I could've been somewhere better).


    That's nothing... betcha there isn't a TR from Rattlesnake Ledge on this site yet. I summited there with the dogs late this afternoon, you pansy ;)


    Late this afternoon??? I hope you brought your headlamp and emergency bivy...just in case. ;)


    And my rack and double 60m 8mm ropes in case I needed to bail... and a bolt kit.

  2. I went up to mailbox today... i couldn't believe the weather and laughed at my stupid pessimism (through tears - I could've been somewhere better).


    That's nothing... betcha there isn't a TR from Rattlesnake Ledge on this site yet. I summited there with the dogs late this afternoon, you pansy ;)

  3. Never mind the weather... seems like we're going to have a gorgeous Saturday and a nice Monday. Meanwhile, based on the prognostications of our finest, I promised my wife I would stay at home this weekend and do chores around the house, seeing as the weather was going to be crap anyway...


    These fucktards can't predict what they had for breakfast yesterday, let alone the weather a day or two in advance...

  4. I was thinking the same thing.

    At least there is some socially redeeming value in cc.com :cool:


    Yeah, this is the place to come if you're looking for your father


    Who's your daddy??

  5. He talked about stopping to help Lincoln Hall, whom his team found on their way to the summit. Lincoln will be talking about his side of the story June 11th at the Mountaineers.


    Oh, also, his name is Dan Mazur, not Mazar...

  6. 50 % chance of rain showers = 100% chance of downpour and getting fucked royally. been there, done that


    Come on KK, he who dares, wins... grow some balls and drive to Vantage like porter is suggesting.


    Actually they were mauled by a tiger... kinda like Siegfried (or was it Roy?)


    Mt. Erie appears to be dry today and tomorrow. I'm going to try and go up there tomorrow morning...


    Or you can go and aid climb at Index. Weather is not a factor then...

  9. What I did not know and find rather intriguing is that he served in combat on not one, not two, but three continents in WWII.

    Yeah, that is kind of unusual. Most units served in either the North African/European campaign, OR the Pacific campaign. Then gain, the US repositioned some units to the Pacific theater after the capitulation of Germany, in anticipation of an invasion of Japan. Maybe Pug's father was in one of those units?

  10. Donate to the unit you care about directly. They're all tax-exempt donations these days.


    I'm not familiar with the Washington Search & Rescue Association, and I don't believe that my unit (Everett Mountain Rescue) has any ties to it. They may very well be legit -- their contact page says they'll provide info on their financial and fundraising activities.

  11. Perhaps it is a reference of Plutonium 239?


    Well yeah DPS, no shit... but why plutonium? Did he work at Hanford? Does he glow in the dark? Does he have an atomic-powered pacemaker? Maybe he puts the stuff on his wheaties?

  12. Pug, that's pretty awesome that your dad was able to pull that off. I hope to be able to still eat solid food and not be in a wheelchair at age 85, let alone be climbing.


    Why did you refer to him as Pu239 man?

  13. Warren Harding... put up the Nose with homemade pins made from stovelegs!

    And he managed to find time to be a US president while doing it ;)


    Huh? I dont get it..


    harding didn't survive his presidency though - he was one of the illustrive 40% of us presidents who either died/was killed in office or survived an assasination attempt


    Yep, you're right. He died of a heart attack while in office.


    On a related node,40% isn't bad odds. Now why did the current president have to fall on the other side of that line....

  14. Now hold on just a second, is that fake tan or is that real??


    Oh, it's real alright... a result of the industrial waste and toxins dumped in the arm pit of america northeast New Jersey

  15. You're missing my point--which is that the debate is far from "settled" and only someone with the heart of a religious zealot would deny themselves data that refutes or challenges their belief system.


    No, FW, the debate is pretty much settled. Most climatologists accept the negative effects of humanity on the climate. The theory of global warming is the most commonly accepted model out there right now.


    Does that mean that there aren't smart people with PhDs claiming this is bogus? Sure there are. Some may even have a point. Heck, there's still researchers proposing different models of physics... However, trotting out an article by two researchers from a med school, published in a journal not related to the field is hardly a convincing argument for your cause.


    It is a theory. Not a proven fact. A lot of things in science are never proven facts. The theory is simply taken as the model that best explains current observations. That theory can be replaced by a better one, should one be proposed and validated experimentally. Until such time, the current model is what it is. And there's a lot more effort being put into the current

  16. No, the c5 generation was a little dated looking. But no vette is ugly. They are the sexiest car any American company ever produced.




    Hell yeah on the GT40 :tup:

    Either the original or the recent re-relase... especially in the Gulf livery

  17. This is a fucking gorgeous car! It is a 63, the only year Chevy made a split window. And this is the classic color, Chevy Orange. I would love to own this car!


    Oh come on... that split window is an abomination... and that pointy snout with the popup headlights isn't doing it any favors.


    I'd take this 'vette in a heartbeat, however... in the classic red/white color scheme preferably:


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