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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. I have a newborn at home. I'm not climbing (let alone hard) anyway... At least I'd like to be able to :brew: at the office

  2. Yeah Dru, I suppose that's the case. Just between the relatively correct post and the new avatar, I thought we should be sending Lassie out to go see if pc313 fell into a well or something and was replaced at the keyboard by an impostor.

  3. Something is still busted. Most of my requests to dive into a forum or a thread result in a message that the forum or thread cannot be found. Going back and clicking on the link again fixes the problem 99% of the time.


    And a first attempt at posting this reply resulted in:

    UBB Error

    The post you are replying to has been deleted.


    Please click back to return to the previous page.

  4. Of course now I'm seeing funny stuff with viewing posts or replying to them... the first time I replied to Dru's post above (after my log out/log back in) it told me the post was deleted. The post was clearly there, and I was able to reply on the second attempt. Same with viewing a post in Alpine Lakes -- told me it could not fetch the post from the DB the first time around...

  5. It wasn't that long ago they caught some terrorists coming in who were planning on blowing up a major landmark like the Space Needle or alternatively the LA Airport. I realize that many folks can have a hard time keeping some of this inside their heads due to lack of space, but lets try a little harder next time OK? Anyone else besides me reading the recent Algerian news?


    Bill, I believe that fellow was caught at a border crossing in Port Angeles, not at one of these roving, "defense-in-depth" checkpoints...


    Yay -- first I get to train the outsourcing guys who are taking over, so I get to stick around another month or two.


    Isn't that awesome? :rolleyes:


    so, you're being executed and paid to dig your own grave first, metaphorically speaking? :tdown:

    Sounds familiar... will they be sending your family a bill for the bullet as well? :tdown:

  6. These are not new powers. This has been going on for a long long time. You are just hearing about it now because it is affecting yuppies driving their BMW's to their tee-time.

    No, this isn't new. It has been going on in upstate NY for what, at least 10 years? Maybe other places too. So does that mean it qualifies for being grandfathered in? Is there a statue of limitations for incompetence? I would think that if the government is dysfunctional then you should be advocating the pruning of its powers, not their expansion (of scope or locality of application)

  7. I think the government is a pretty dysfunctional machine, but I don't have any Gestapo or KGB/FSB type ideas that they are going to come to my home and arrest me for shits and giggles...

    So you agree they're dysfunctional and yet you're quite content to invest them with more powers to be dysfunctional with?

  8. Can you play hooky and climb this w/e??

    Maybe. I'd love to get out for a day at Tieton if the weather holds up. Have to check with the missus. It wouldn't be more than one day in any case.

  9. I know some aliens had manufacturing defects, but now they are illegal? WTF? They'll have to pry my aliens from my cold dead hands!


    You know, talking about your cold dead hands and CCH aliens in the same sentence sounds like asking for trouble... it could probably be arranged.


    Also, this is spray, and you're starting to talk about climbing. WTF?

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