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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. My preference these days is for slung rockcentrics in the larger sizes and for wired BD hexes in the smaller ones. This makes it easier to place the small ones by holding the stiff wire, slotting them in. The large hex sizes allow you to get your hand into the feature, so you're unlikely to be slotting them in by the wire. The slung rocks are lighter and allow you to conserve slings if need be.


    They're also curved as opposed to having straight walls like the BD hexes, but I haven't seen that matter one way or the other yet.

  2. I don't know how you feel about it, and it doesn't matter to me personally cuz I don't own any stock in either of them, but I'm glad that you guys didn't sell out to Billy G. :tup:


    I'm way too low on the totem pole to have any real opinion about this. There was a lot of resistance at Microsoft to this transaction -- probably as much as at Yahoo, if distributed inversely. At MS the management wanted it and the troops opposed it, whereas at Yahoo the management did not want it to happen whereas I think the troops were kinda ambivalent. There would have been a bloodletting at MSN if Microsoft tried to merge the two...


    Besides, at the rate the stock is dropping, in three months Balmer will come back and offer Yahoo $25/share and it will seem like a great deal... at least I'd get a pro club membership and discounts at the company store out of that... I need a drink...

  3. Yeah, I was going to say that this doesn't look like the Richland skyline...


    As for drinking now versus drinking later... I take what I can get... at least the prospect of drinking later keeps me from flying into an uncontrollable rage at the lack of a drinking culture at Yahoo... no wonder our stock's in the shitter.

  4. Given that this just shows national debt versus GNP, it is no wonder that the inflections in the graph coincide so accurately with administration changes. Government spending is measured right away and adjusted very quickly, unlike slow-acting economic policies such as rate changes.

  5. If you can't defeat the candidate on issues, sidetrack the debate with legal bullshit.


    You were all in favor of it for Kwame Kilpatrick

    In fairness, the Kwame Kilpatrick affair seems to have had more meat on its bones than, say, Bill Clinton's impeachment attempt. Even the Democrats were starting to realize that he was an albatross around their neck and were about to start removal proceedings. This saves them a prolonged media circus that may have negatively affected which way Michigan went in the national election.

  6. Well, the religious right seems in love with her. Both Ralph Reed and some guy at Liberty University praised her pro-life, christian credentials... McCain needs those people to come out and vote in November, and some on the religious right still distrust him due to his "maverick" nature. Palin will draw that core constituency to him.

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