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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. Go ahead Dru, rub it in :mad:


    Meanwhile, we're stuck with the coop that caters to the latte-swilling, margarita-drinking yuppie. Thank God for FF and Marmot.


    Time to make this an REI-bashing thread and move it to spray...

  2. ...actually, i think a girth hitch works like a knot in that some of the base material is compromised by the knot...i don't have the numbers, but a figure 8 fails a rope at something like 90% (again, i'm pulling out of my ass here)...


    Experiments show that a figure 8 fails at around ~70% of rope strength, which is about what I remembered. I was surprised that the bowline reduced the strenght more...

  3. Hey Mikester, Vantage is big enough to absorb the 32 mounties that will be there. If you're over there I'm sure there will be plenty for you to climb. Especially since I'm pretty sure the self-rescue class will be off on some god-forsaken, hasn't-seen-an-ascent-since-Bill-Robbins, chossy POS routes. So if anything they'll be doing the community a favor by cleaning some of the loose shit off.


    Unless you're desperate to do laps on "Updrafts to Heaven" or spend a few hours sieging "Where the Sidewalk Ends"... then you may have to wait a bit.

  4. I'm sure that one of the first things that they teach you in politician school is to try and avoid giving yes/no answers because they sound a little too absolute and come back to bite you. There are certainly questions that could be posed to Obama where he would also hem and haw and spin the issue.


    Having said that, the parts of the interview that I've seen show her as rather clueless, so I don't think it was just d3t_pin's hopeful imagination.

  5. What prole is referring to is a segment in Palin's speech to her old church in Wasilla, I think, which has been posted here before. It got brought up again in her first interview with Charlie Gibson -- you should be able to find that posted somewhere. They play that crucial fragment as part of that interview.


    She tries to spin it as referring to something Abraham Lincoln said way back when, but frankly does not come across as very convincing when she explains it like that. It seems pretty clear to me from her statement to her church that she views this as a just and holy war in accordance with God's plan.

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