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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. I got email from Brian this morning at 8:09 am which made no indication of him being in any sort of accident... so it most likely isn't him. Though I'm sure he'll be touched by everyone here worrying about him :)

  2. Strictly as a city, not a location? I'd put Portland over Seattle. I really like that town.


    Yeah, I'm with Off_White on this one... I always feel right at home in Portland. I greatly prefer it over Seattle...


    Still, like he says, we have better mountains...

  3. He's looking into ergo keyboards.


    You may want to point your husband at Kinesis -- they're based in Bothell. I've used one of their contoured keyboards for ~13 years now. I used to have ulnar tunnel syndrome, and this keyboard was a lifesaver for me. They also have very responsive customer service.


    I can't recommend them highly enough.


    The only downside is they're not cheap -- $300+

  4. Eh, you can take solace in the fact that your prediction that new fathers might wind up having to sell their racks may well be accurate... Since having Julian I haven't had a chance to get out but once to Index :(


    And my next rock climbing isn't scheduled until the end of August :(


    So if you see a "rack for sale" post by me, you'll know what happened.

  5. Actually, when I spoke to the climbing guys at the flagship store in Seattle they said they'd have it in about a month. I went across the street at that point and got it at Feathered Friends.


    Honestly, scrambled_legs, your best bet might be to hit FF or Second Ascent on your way to Vantage and pick up a copy. They have plenty. And you wouldn't be going very much out of your way...

  6. You were right about it being the Germans. I.G. Farben was the same company that supplied Zyklon B to the Nazis, if I remember correctly.


    Yep, they were the the manufacturers of that. They also made extensive use of slave labor. They now live on as AGFA, BASF and Bayer...

  7. Have you considered anchoring yourself?


    Also, unless your partner takes a huge whipper or outweighs you by a lot, the dynamic nature of the rope and the little bit of slip of it through the belay device should keep you from getting launched.

  8. I did not see on your link the magnitude of that earthquake.


    Look at the size of the colored square on the map, then compare that size to the legend next to the pic... you'll see that quake was a 6.change

  9. Blake -- I've had a Hilite for five or six years now... in general, I'm pretty happy with the bag. I'll agree with ericb -- the WM is pretty narrow, so if you toss and turn and flail your arms you may not like it very much. The fabric is VERY delicate -- I've had some down poke out of it, and I've got a couple of small holes in it.

  10. at least when i'm noncommittal about the weather and stay home, I can always hope on a bike that moment and catch some sweet views within 15 minutes.. Lake WA Blvd, Magnolia Loop, etc.


    Clearly you're either not married, or have been married longer than I am and have learned these things, sensei

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