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Everything posted by godskid5

  1. didn't even think about those.. I personally love em, but use it mostly for mountaineering, so didn't even think about it for this... all top rope, shouldn't be a problem! thanks
  2. I am taking a group of friends climbing next weekend. There are 3 of us with experience, teaching 7 how to climb. Knots, belay, anchors etc... Trying to get them into the sport! I have 4 harnesses, and am looking for at least 2-3 more. I can pay, just not new prices. If you have some you no longer need, please let me know what and how much. sizes medium to large. Thanks, Dave
  3. Great page! Beautiful photos!!
  4. Dallas was a great man! I met him at a Solid Rock Climbers for Christ event, he was the western wa contact. I also had the opportunity to climb with him once. He will be missed for a long time to come. Love the plaque!! Great idea!
  5. I heard they were 40+... This article is the only one I've seen with the 35foot...?
  6. my pms are not working. I get an email saying i have one, but there is nothing there when i check.. so if you can either email me at dwellcome at comcast dot net, or post live on the sale page i would appreciate it. thanks!
  7. I am looking for a Canon 40 or 50d. In good shape, preferably with lens and or Battery Grip. I have: Good condition Canon XSI Mountaineering boots, size 10, like new Ice tools (bulldogs) Brand New Black Diamond Crampons, good condition full auto, with bag Black Diamond Ice screws (3) like new Camp Harness, lightweight for ski mountaineering. New unused, wot. 2 kids full body harnesses Locking belay biner, and belay device. Will trade partial or all of above depending on camera, accessories, and condition. May be able to add some cash depending on what you have! Email me with offers, pms work, but I don't check them as often as email. and pictures. Thank you. dwellcome at comcast dut net
  8. How much for the tools. Got a friend looking for some.
  9. Thanks, I picked up a set.
  10. Looking for a set of tools. Preferably under 150$ for the pair, but could possibly go higher... Do not have to be super cool, or new... Pics?? hit me up here or at dwellcome at comcast dut net
  11. how much for the cobras?
  12. how much for the cobras?
  13. Has anyone been up on Thielsen the last week or so? We were hoping to head down next weekend, but sounds like all the trails in the area are still pretty snowed in...
  14. do you still have the mammut ropes in the pictures?
  15. Yes, they have found hime... Dallas was a great man of God, and an awesome climber! He will be missed. I only wish I had been able to climb with him more! here is a bit about Dallas some of you may not know... http://www.srcfc.org/Good-News/DallasKloke/ It would honor him if you took the time to read it, and consider what is said with an open heart! God bless you Dallas.
  16. haha! part of the over all package to sweeten the deal. having serious health issues. just now got out of the hospital with heart trouble. going get more into photography, just can't climb anymore! how are the skis? they working good for ya?
  17. Oops! I guess that would be an important thing to know!! I'm asking 300 for all of it.
  18. **SOLD** Thank you
  19. uuhhh, yeah! Selling off his climbing gear out of a rented trailer?? Definately sounds fishy!
  20. I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv, so listen to my advice please! hahaha Eric, I had posted a copy of your original notice I recieved from Calvin Landrus in Bend on the gear forum. Someone posted some pics of some brand new gear for sale on a craigslist ad. It is the second page of this thread. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/934478/2 Take a look. The stuff still has tags on it, and is pretty dang shiny! Good luck man!
  21. "REDPOINT ROBBED – Watch-out for new gear being sold! This is a note from the Owner of Redpoint….I'm letting everyone know this, just in case someone runs into someone that's selling gear that just doesn't sound right. Last night (Friday night) my shop was broken into, and everything was taken and I really do mean everything. I haven't done an actually inventory yet. But ballpark, 50 draws, 100 carabiners, 14 ropes, 4 sets of cams, 5 sets of nuts, 10 down jackets, etc etc etc etc. So please, please, keep an eye out for anything suspicious if you're buying something second hand from someone. I would appreciate it. If anyone finds out anything here is some contact information. You can either call me, 541-923-6207. Or the best bet is the local sheriff's office. Their phone number is 541-693-6911. The Sheriff in charge of the case is Gary Cima, but you can talk to anyone else there as well. I'm working on the inventory right now, and will have a pretty long list of items stolen, so you know what to be on the look out for. Thanks for all the support. Thanks, Eric"
  22. bummer, that sucks man.
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