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Everything posted by RedNose
good night and hope you enjoy your Big City life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SqD99lHPOg
again haven't have a drink in a long, long time nor have I used any illegal substance. Can't risk loosing the boat or the permit, but again that is what working, blue collar people worry about.
You obviously don't know me. Let me say this...300 yard shot at a caribou is reality. No brag just fact.
*%(*&^ inga I'm a red neck MO FRO from way back. White socks, red necks and blue ribbon beer and proud of it. I've put more mountain time in than most of th pussies on here except Dave Whitelaw(he knows who I am, the lawyer thinks he knows me but he really does not)
Oh ya I'm a racist because I have an opinion well %^*&% all the Demos and Liberals in America
Huh, what do you expect
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the world must be wonderful to all the Lobotomized Liberals of Seattle and round abouts. The working folks of the world are mourning the "Change" brought forth by our old Chicaga Black Mafia member Barry Barack Obama. What a wonderful change we have...huh? Permits can't sell, houses are selling like, lets see, selling like SDTs at a whore house! Man I hope every one who voted for this "CHANGE" is happy! Lets see if I can sum this up. One Big Ass Mistake America
Arrr . . .Misty! Will you look at the prow on dat steamer.
nay Bell Town boys with lair degrees.
Arrrrr I see the cross bones is gone & oinker meat replaced it. Winter is here, salmon season was a bust, crabbing will fill in some financial holes for us that crashed during salmon season. If ya be in Dutch, Kodiak, or even Anchor Town tie one on, smoke some Mat-Su TF and enjoy the wild side of livin'. And to all you metrosexual gay boys...FU. Rednose
Ya all are a bunch of wankers. When the chips are down and I mean BIG ASS CHIPS everyone, even the tough SOBs on the fucking boat all are praying to something. You fucking butt fucks in Seattle disgust me. that's why I keep coming back to this site every now and then just to read your shit and realize no matter how filthy or beastly my co-workers can become they at least are better than you. Why? Because they are REAL!
A direct quote from a mental midget. I see that the ass-gay-climbers are pounding their meat or clits to the rhythm of Obama campaign party music. Well, hope you all enjoy the new and changed United Socialist Amerika. Enjoy it while you can, because change will come again. :: aren't you a mental giant. mental you are, all right. maybe you should remember illegal wire taps, fucked economy, bailing private companies with public funds, all time high budget deficit all thanks to brilliant strategy of repubican party. now go, change your diaper and don't interrupts when adults speak. Gayglowkiss, lick a cat's ass will you. Speaking of diapers I've seen some of your climbing pictures and you definitely look like you are in need of one, but then I have to remind myself that YOU are in deed an Eastern Bloc refugee and that explains it all. The other thing that gives you away is your deplorable out look on life. No one but an Eastern Bloc Refugee would be able to see so much depression in life and in other people's lives as one as yourself.Before I forget my manners: Oh and before I forget Happy Christmas and Merry New Year
A direct quote from a mental midget. I see that the ass-gay-climbers are pounding their meat or clits to the rhythm of Obama campaign party music. Well, hope you all enjoy the new and changed United Socialist Amerika. Enjoy it while you can, because change will come again. ::
How 'bout no O2 for you city boys. Then there will be more fuel for me.
With a little luck I'll be employed in Alaska dddddrilllling for black crude.........I only hope we can get a lot of money from you Lower 48ers so my dividend is bigger. hahahahaha
Are they citizens of the United States? Yes or no? They ain't citizens. Biggest mistake was taking them prisoners in the first place. Since we have them in captivity we ought to try them as was criminals and hang each and everyone of them. BTW some of you liberals sound like you were educated at the University of Michigan the Leftest Front of the Midwest.
You can read this and you know what it says, but it is far from clear, or well-written. And, while I think the invasion of Afghanistan was not not only unjustified and poorly conceived, I bet most Americans think that if there is some question whether our Iraq venture was justified there was no question about Afghanistan. And it is easy to understand why. The "considerations" do not address this point, so readers are left wondering: what the F***? It is a shame, in my opinion, that impeachment isn't a more serious option. We have let Bush and his buddies seriously undermine the Constitution and the Democrats just don't want to take the chance on standing up to it -- or maybe they don't care. And whether you are Democrat or Republican, the fact is the next President and the one after that will be fully justified in thinking they can pull the same kind of stuff with impunity. MattP and the rest of you are so far to the left why don't you head on down to Vladimir Lenin's Statue located in the Fremont so you can kneel down and chant your accolades for the New Left that is brewing in the Democratic Party.
I does not matter who wins they are all in the pockets of international business and those who don't step to the marching band will get their hands slapped. If you don't believe this then you're all naive. Moral of the story: all the fuckers will fuck the fucking masses no matter what.
Get pulled over! border crossings have been a fun challenge. but anymore it'd be meditating, or sitting on a cliff side stoking on the glitter of sun off of the waving green grass, or feeling the beauty of the life i am blessed with. getting god-drunk. Well said for a pole smoker.
Fuck oh dear, I arrived in the Big Shit(seattle) Town today from Mexico. I have no idea what the hell I ate yesterday but before leaving Mexico this AM I took the biggest shit I've ever taken in my entire life. Have to flush three times before it all went down, and for some reason I realized I haven't posted on fag cafe lately. Reason I was there is we have a crew member that's a Mex. Great little worker, but best of all he hooked us all up with a great place to stay, good food and booze. Hope to read about all your adventures again soon. You guys provide a lot of humor for some of us. Especially the whiners. In the mean time...naw I'll be nice. Just don't post any of your homosexual encounters.
I hope none of you city pussies were pissing blood after your New Years Panties. Here is the Big Finger to all of you, and a good new year. now go piss off.
I guess your by line is correct you are angry and you are dumb. Too bad you admit that. Maybe you should go back to the U and finish you degree in Chemistry and revisit your roots at the Society of Friends (http://www.quaker.org/) asking them to help you get over the hate you feel for posters that disagree with you and especially your hate of LDS members. BTW...you've met me ONCE and I ain't who you think I am. I'll burn a candle for you at the local church and say a few prayers for you to give up your drugs and alcohol so you to can start living a truly beautiful life on this wonderful earth of ours. In the mean time please find a safe and friendly outlet for your pent up feeling by visiting a homeless shelter and donating sometime there or go to a Boys Club and donate some of your time there it can only help Kurt otherwise you'll spiral into a miserable black hole of self destruction. Have a wonderful day and may the gods bless you. RN
I read all this crap and then googled Yvon Chouinard just to see what the deal is on his house. see this link http://www.kbc-gbc.com/EnvironmentalBuildingNews.pdf Now this guy has more wealth than Gore and could pretent to need a big house as Gore uses as an excuse. I've read about the Gore energy use is that he needs the mega house for entertaining, guests, etc. to push his political agenda. I say BULL SHIT. Chouinard may not be on the top of my top ten list but at least he puts his foot, fingers and assets where is mouth is. I've met this guy in the mountains, visited with him, ate with him and enjoyed my time with him. He's the real thing not a fucking flack on TV hobnobbing with celebrities pretending to care about the environment.
http://www.volunteertv.com/special I'm not sure if you've heard about the UT student and her boyfriend who were carjacked, brutally raped, and murdered in Knoxville last month... the guy, Chris Newsom, was raped with a broomstick, wrapped in a comforter covered in gasoline, burned, shot 3 times, and dumped on the railroad tracks. His body was found the morning after they were abducted. The girl, Channon Christian, was raped many times over the next few days, they sprayed her mouth and body with household cleaners to try to kill any DNA evidence, supposedly cut off her limbs and stuffed her in a trashcan. The 4 black guys who did this have been found and arrested. Another black girl who witnessed them doing stuff to Channon (still alive), and didn't do anything to help her, has also been arrested. If this had been 5 white people who murdered two young black kids, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be marching in Knoxville saying it was a hate crime. But since black people attacked two privileged white kids, there's hardly any media coverage. Now the District Attorney for Knox County has said he doesn't know if they'll seek the death penalty! No national coverage of this but if reversed it sure would of been.