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Everything posted by rob

  1. I need to spend a night outside in the mountains before I cut myself -- assuming favorable weather later this week(haha) anybody have any good ideas for an early season overnight ski tour? Need some inspiration TIA!
  2. rob

    belay goggles?

    neat! I had no idea, I incorrectly assumed they were retarded. I'm going to wait until they come out with a lightweight carbon pair or something, though. These look like they'd be heavy. Also, can I get these with my REI refund yet? Thanks and sorry for making fun! Rob
  3. These pedestrians are out of control
  4. http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2013/11/cycling-v-cars
  5. The vast majority if car-cyclist collisions in Seattle are driver-at-fault, according to Seattle DOT. A friend has been killed and another paralyzed. I've been hit twice, myself. But if course FW says it's the CYCLISTS who are out of control. Naturally. I wonder why you think I'd want to go ride bikes with you after saying something like this, Brian?
  6. I think FW just thrives on outrage and anger.
  7. LOL I just saw this on FB. People actually wear these things? http://belayshades.com/index.html
  8. the problem is that you and FW seem to think that Obama deserves the same level of scorn as GW, which is just insane. Certainly there is tit-for-tat in politics but accusing both sides of being the same is just madness. The democrats have never used a government shutdown to get their way, for isntance -- not even during the darkest days of the bush administration. Obama is not doing "the same things" that Bush did -- not by a long shot. Typical. You disagree? You actually think GW was better than Obama? I find that hard to believe, you're such a logical guy. Are you sure you're not letting your partisan emotions get the better of you?
  9. the problem is that you and FW seem to think that Obama deserves the same level of scorn as GW, which is just insane. Certainly there is tit-for-tat in politics but accusing both sides of being the same is just madness. The democrats have never used a government shutdown to get their way, for isntance -- not even during the darkest days of the bush administration. Obama is not doing "the same things" that Bush did -- not by a long shot.
  10. your guy should fix it, especially after all the whining your side did during GW's years in office. he hasn't, and you are silent. sorry, but your complaints now are just crocodile tears First of all, Obama is not "my guy" -- have I ever said he was? I'm certainly not a democrat. But, regarding being silent -- I can't speak for most democrats, but most liberals are furious at his domestic surveillance and drone programs. At least, I am, and so are most of the liberals I know. We certainly don't consider Obama to be "our guy" -- and I think most of his base is similarly disappointed in him. Just because you think things doesn't make them true. It amuses me that you and FW can't seem to have an honest critique of both presidents, but instead have to pick "sides." Defending Bush is a pretty hard sell, so I have to give you guys credit for sticking with it. Good luck!
  11. Hell, it's thanks to Bush that we even have the Patriot Act. Thanks for that, GeeDub! What a legacy of shit he's left behind for the rest of us.
  12. But if he snorted coke at the Muir Hut he'd be cool. Only if he shared -- I bet Dub can get his hands on some quality yay
  13. On the contrary, Obama has become increasingly unpopular among his liberal base -- I myself consider him a republican, basically. Ask prole how much he likes Obama.
  14. well, he did send us into a series of needless and costly wars, while simultaneously lowering taxes and borrowing money (lower taxes during a time of war? neat! It's no big, we'll just charge it), turning our hard-fought budget surplus into a massive deficit and thus doing his part to shepherd our great nation into one of the worst recessions our our times -- but I guess that doesn't count.
  15. yeah, but you hated him even well before the obamacare lies, so I wonder if this is a case of someone who finally found their excuse to latch onto? I don't remember you ever getting this upset about GW
  16. George Washington could not tell a lie.
  17. can you please rephrase that in the form of a question?
  18. it wouldn't be the first time someone got impeached for tapping Of course, there's no evidence (yet) that Obama wiretapped his political opponents--only our foreign allies. For his domestic opponents he uses the IRS. I, for one, am shocked -- SHOCKED -- that the NSA and CIA are spying on people. zomg!
  19. it wouldn't be the first time someone got impeached for tapping
  20. holy shit, you really DO have your own searchable database of cc.com quotes. I thought that was just a myth! Or, have you just figured out how to actually make the cc.com search function actually find things?
  21. http://www.scribd.com/doc/180817948/Washington-Consumer-Alert-pdf
  22. hell, im smoking crack right now
  23. rob

    I 522 Breaking News

    Sounds like maybe you're a little too emotionally invested in this thing? What does that mean? Remember, I'm the one asking the questions around here. Fearing the worst. LOL. Chicken Little!!! I-522 isn't really about GMOs so much as it's about people hating monsanto. You can have an entire conversation about GMOs with someone and the first thing they'll do is bring up Monsanto and Roundup, as if that's all that needs to be said. "I hate McDonald's. Let's label anything that is a hamburger!" I have lots of friends voting yes, so I don't really care that much. But it sure is interesting to see how poorly understood the science is in popular culture. But I guess that's true on nearly any technical topic presented in mass media. it's kind of a joke putting an issue like this to the voters and then letting two huge corporations (both of which stand to profit if the other one loses) spend endless amounts of money on campaign cash presenting questionable arguments to a largely ignorant and easily frightened electorate -- half of which doesn't even bothering showing up to vote. What a system! Let's go ride bikes
  24. rob

    I 522 Breaking News

    Sure, roundup is basically poison. I'm not sure there are any herbicides that are safe. But that doesn't mean we should label GMOs. Unless you think roundup is only used on GMOs, which, as I already linked, is just totally untrue. In fact, many GMO products allow farmers to save money by spraying less; for example, the bt corn I linked to. Yet you continue to just post links that indicate roundup is bad. Sure, it's bad, but I-522 (unfortunately) is not about labeling the many non-GE products which contain roundup. I can only assume you're a) not reading my links or b) totally unwilling to reconsider your position, regardless of data. So, kind of a waste of time. Have fun!
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