I mean, why even have speed limits? Criminals are just going to speed anyway! Right???
For that matter, why have any laws at all? Criminals jsut break them anyway!
My point is that it's REALLY easy for a felon to get a gun without a background check. And the seller isn't breaking the law. I am under no obligation (in washington state) to verify somebody's eligibility if I sell them the gun I keep under my bed. I'm not a dealer. If you dispute this then you're truly uneducated.
I mean, sure -- a guy without a driver's license can probably buy a car on the black market and drive it anyway, but that doesn't mean we should abandon licenses and car registrations does it?
Ugh, I just can't understand why this is so difficult for people to grasp.
well, guns are *barely* regulated. But regardless of that, just because cars kill more people doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything about the fact that a psychotic felon can legally buy a gun no-questions-asked pretty easily.
Imagine the improvement to law enforcement if we could track the transfer chain of firearms
I had a black-powder replica of a Colt Walker once -- super fun to shoot. Messy, though. They must have spent a lot of time cleaning their guns back then.
I have zero interest in outlawing guns -- I just want to see them properly regulated with mandatory universal background checks, training and licensing: just like we have with cars (which are another possibly lethal implement which has been very successfully regulated)
As a gun owner myself, I cant even begin to fathom why any rational individual would be against universal background checks and licensing. Imagine if we treated cars like we treat guns. Shudder!
As a young adult myself, I can fully attest that every single young adult in thhis country has a closet full of military hardware, and are also veterans.
Also, none of my friends are fat. This whole "obesity-epidemic" thing is just a bunch of bullshit made up by Michelle Obama to try and destroy the coca-cola company. Fuck that shit!
I know! I hear Western Europe these days is basically North Korea. How am I ever going to protect myself against federal troops if the government takes away my little pea-shooter? I bet I can shoot right through the little window the driver in the tank is looking out of.
"And the cool thing about Obamacare is that it’s not only bad for the economy, not only bad for people’s health, it’s also bad for freedom of conscience" -- Rick Santorum
Republican Utopia: expensive & private insurance, low minimum wages, cheap guns and copious fast food conveniently located near Walmart -- eat all you want, fellas, ain't nobody gonna tell you how to live your lives!!!