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Everything posted by hey_wtf

  1. I have a feeling peanut butter was involved.
  2. www.chickflickthefilm.com Mike seemed to get along just fine.
  3. Now there is a man who is having some super fun!
  4. Actually, they need to keep minting pennies so we can buy things that cost a nickel in Canada.
  5. Ahh, c'mon OffWhite. Can't you banninate him for doing bad imitations of Dwayner with all the frickin picture responses?
  6. hey_wtf

    WTF? Cat Spray

    Rather novel way of marking gear, dontcha think?
  7. Obviously, you're (note correct usage of the contraction you-are) too (note correct usage versus to) fucking on the rag to realize sarcasm when you read it.
  8. I don't get it. That's "loser"... not "looser." Too totaly diferent thinges.
  9. hey_wtf

    Jon Fri

    What the hell is that? Are you as dumb as you are? Nahhhh... he's in a band.
  10. So sorry... my "other name" no longer exists. While I do have a pussy - and I agree that it is too much for some - I prefer to go by the term "bitch" and not "pussy." It's clinical, but more accurate. -woof
  11. Well... where is it then?
  12. I can't seem to find the "Poll" option anymore (disabled? or am I a dumbass?... no that's not the poll) so here goes... Since the coming of age of kevbone, do you think... 1. You use the "ignore user" option more often than before 2. Maybe the days of Trask, et al weren't so bad after all 3. This is just the rejuvination that CC.com has needed for years 4. kevbone acutally hasn't come of age yet, but seems to be able to equate combinations of letters on the keyboard with actual words, that may or may not make sense. Vote for as many as you'd like, as often as you like. -woof.
  13. And wearing a condom. You forgot the condom part. Although I suppose that really was my idea and not Crampy's. I still think peanut butter is in order. Nothing says 'send' on Rainier for doin some kick ass stuff like peanut butter.
  14. I agree with Clint - be safe up there and use a condom. You wouldn't want to catch anything, even if you are just putting it in someone's mouth. Would there be peanut butter involved? Just curious. -woof
  15. Yes. They are. There are a whole flock of us, just sitting on the wire above you, waiting to take a shit. How'z about your momma teach you how contractions work. And I'm not meaning the kind of contractions that make Mr. Happy wake up and realize he's not done yet. -woof
  16. Jeebus... what a way to crap on a thread. Seems to me you need a little sharpening Gary. Can that be done with software? What about a halo?
  17. hey_wtf

    Please Read

    Well... someone deleted my wonderfully verbose and factual post about REI that had nothing to do with the subject of this thread. I spent some time lookin' up those facts and figures. And my entire damned username. Gone. Poof. And my first dog account of how I ended up moving up from Oregon. Poof. Damn. Can we still say "peanut butter?" -woof
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