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Everything posted by ckiely

  1. Wow I just learned something
  2. That's the most ridiculous article I've ever seen
  3. So I imagine you would not like public speaking Don't you find it interesting that you can post freely on a message board and not have too much problem? You've been around here awhile, and I enjoy your posts. Maybe you can picture the crowd in the room as avatars?
  4. ckiely

    Driving Screws!

    Don't let the drill go too fast either. Specially with phillips heads. All screwing should be done slowly. 8D
  5. The company I work with is bidding the concrete buttresses that will hold the towers
  6. I Wonder where you're going ?
  7. Squamish. You might be late for dinner.
  8. Great trip report. I've read it on Bivouac and am certain that my friend and I saw you whilst we descended the Alpha Serratus col on the way to the JH hut. You were just completing your last rappel off Serratus. You had a more successful trip than we did - we summited Alpha (E ridge), bypassed Serratus because of time (and having summite it earlier in the year - N face) and attempted the SE spur of Dione, but bailed 3/4 of the way up because of a poor routefinding decision. Down to the Squamish river and across in a day from the JH hut = knee killer. 5 days for us round trip from the river, with one rest day. Knowing the terrain there just a little bit (my first trip into the area aside from a heliplant at the JH hut) my hats off to you. Very impressive.
  9. ckiely

    With love

    Most people that post homophobic remarks are themselves struggling with their sexuality.
  10. Because cool and attractive women mean that men have to grow up. It's all about taking responsibility for oneself and establishing priorities. Most men don't like to do that (IMO), and often it takes the right woman to open men's eyes enough to enable that. Also, men have to want to have things like children, stable relationship etc, and that doesn't happen to most men till about mid-30. Well, it happens, but we don't generally take responsibility for it till later. Women are right into that shit from 25 on. If it doesn't happen, a dirt bag evolves. Hard to explain on teh typewriter after 2 beers.
  11. I sat in a hut at 4:00am once and had the priveledge of listening to FRED snore away. A highlight of my climbing careeer
  12. Troll or not, back to the subject at hand. I've had some success with removing nuts by threading the wire up through the stopper (I have Metolius nuts), and pulling on it from above. If it's really stuck, I'll hook my nut tool onto the wire and pull like hell. Obviously it doesn't work everywhere, but another solution to add to the pile.
  13. Pm'd you a direct phone number for reservations. Conditions were sweet up there last weekend. It's been snowing all week so it's just getting better and better. Should still be good in april. On your descent back to the car make sure you stay left and high after the meadow before the lake. When you get to a boulder field drop to the bottom of it and pick up the trail.
  14. I've been afraid of my dog killing my cat ever since my girlfriend brought the cat home. My dog lived on his wits for the first year of his life, killing chickens etc. In the time I've had him he's killed a rabbit and a couple squirrels. Not as bad as my friends dog who killed a cat in front of a bunch of kids, a marmot while hiking, and a rooster at a friends farm. Anyway, sorry Lance to hear about this. Cute dog - looks much like mine.
  15. No, they were fantastic. Thanks! The snow was great for this climb, too.
  16. Very impressive. As a fellow finish carpenter I can look at your set up and see where you rushed and see where you took the time to make it perfect. Make it perfect - plant holder Rushed - hinges at countertop make it perfect - lining the grain up on your wardrobe Rushed - bungee on Ipod I'm not being critical and I hope you don't take my observation as such - but I know if I built that and showed it to another carpenter I'd expect the same. (edit to say that I also rcognize it as a work in progress) We all learn from what we see. Magnificent job :tup:
  17. Paint thinner or mineral spirits will work. Emory cloth will work better than a dremel to remove the paint - also with less risk of damage and more oil removal so you may not need paint thinner.
  18. Which could be 5.7
  19. A friend of mine defined 4th class as something he would not want to climb down, but would prefer to rap. Makes sense to me.
  20. When I passed by there last year there was a rope fixed on it. East Lion might fit your bill if the W is a vegetated shit heap?
  21. Ha Busted! No soloists on Saturday. I fell on the fourth pitch right at the part where the dihedral overhangs a bit, I wasn't far enough to the right and lost my balance. I was able to run down backwards for a couple steps and then grab at a big hold. Pretty funny, actually.
  22. If you can believe it I fell on Diedre yesterday I was able to catch myself, but still, I FELL ON DIEDRE! Ever a climber will I be?
  23. Ya, I know. I climbed in my boots and had an easier time than Ramsay, who went in his climbing shoes. Boots have more bite, I guess and his shoes just slipped all over. Btw, it was your trip report on Bivywack that gave us the beta for the climb, so thanks!
  24. Is Crack of Noon that 5.9 that's up there? I saw something on the east face that looks 5.9ish, basically you'd follow our route to just before we roped up, and then you can get on the face that way by traversing to the right. All the other faces looked very very hard!
  25. Climb: Faulty Tower-Basil's Buttress Date of Climb: 7/1/2006 Trip Report: Ramsay Dyer and I climbed a variation of a route done in the 90's. Two 'pitches' of 3rd-4th class, followed by 2 pitches of roped climbing, the first being low 5th (30m)and the second somewhere in the 5.6, 5.7 range (20m). I call it a 'variation' because the crux moves felt harder than 5.6, so I'm not sure we were on route all the way. The route was difficult to protect, but there are good boulders at the right spots to use as anchors. After the crux pitch there is a nice horizontal crack in a truck sized boulder for an anchor. Rap off boulder on the north side of final ledge before the scramble to the top. One 60m rope will just reach the ledges below. Downclimb to sketchy gully. We crossed the gully above a large boulder and skipped over to the next gully which was easy downclimbing. Gear Notes: Some slings, yellow metolious, small nuts. Bring small gear for the second anchor, pink tricam, yellow metolious and small nuts. Approach Notes: Downton Creek FSR, north fork, hike to base of Linus Peak. Nice lake there to camp at.
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