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Posts posted by ericb

  1. Ho boy.

    Another thread where Christians with misunderstandings of their own history are held up as the reason no one should become a Christian.

    Did you know that an atheist once put a bug in his nose on purpose? Yes, a bug in his nose.


    Makes you want to reconsider being an atheist doesn't it?


    I think that when people who have a set of convictions about supernatural beings, and they cite those convictions as the central motivation for actions or beliefs that range from straight-up madness to mildly unsettling irrationality - it shouldn't be surprising that folks who don't share those convictions criticize them and/or those who hold them.


    If you find a case of an atheist or an agnostic who openly cites his atheism or agnosticism, or the desire to champion either cause, or his intent to strike down the enemies of atheism or agnosticism - as the motivation for committing an act of barbarity or madness, or as the justification for persisting in a delusion that's completely at odds with the facts - then you'd have grounds for critiquing those beliefs and those who hold them, IMO.



    Does communism count? Granted, it's not really a person per se, but a country of like 1 billion people

  2. kevbone - just how much experience do you have parenting? don't take this the wrong way, but dealing w/a 4yr old is different than dealing w/a 1 year old is different than dealing w/a 10yr old.



    Not as much as you......that does not change the fact that I will NEVER lay a hand my children.


    KB....why doesn't it surprise me that you can't grasp the concept of discipline without corporal punishment?




  3. JayB - you seem well informed - i'm curious, what is your occupation?


    Being a new parent myself, EricB makes a good point - parenthood must activate the 'overprotective to the point of paranoia gene'.


    You mean it's not just me? :crazy:




  4. As stated above, well done population based studies have shown no link between autism and the MMR...ever...with or without thimerisol.


    Can you point me to these studies? I'm interested in seeing how in depth this has been studied.


    There is a *vast* literature available on this.


    "1: Drug Saf. 2004;27(12):831-40.Links

    MMR vaccination and autism : what is the evidence for a causal association?

    Madsen KM, Vestergaard M.


    Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, The Danish Epidemiology Science Centre, Aarhus, Denmark. KMM@dadlnet.dk


    It has been suggested that vaccination with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine causes autism. The wide-scale use of the MMR vaccine has been reported to coincide with the apparent increase in the incidence of autism. Case reports have described children who developed signs of both developmental regression and gastrointestinal symptoms shortly after MMR vaccination.A review of the literature revealed no convincing scientific evidence to support a causal relationship between the use of MMR vaccines and autism. No primate models exist to support the hypothesis. The biological plausibility remains questionable and there is a sound body of epidemiological evidence to refute the hypothesis. The hypothesis has been subjected to critical evaluation in many different ways, using techniques from molecular biology to population-based epidemiology, and with a vast number of independent researchers involved, none of which has been able to corroborate the hypothesis."


    "1: Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Dec;82(6):756-9. Epub 2007 Oct 10.Click here to read Links

    Vaccines and autism: evidence does not support a causal association.

    DeStefano F.


    Statistics and Epidemiology Unit, RTI International, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. fdestefano@rti.org


    A suggested association between certain childhood vaccines and autism has been one of the most contentious vaccine safety controversies in recent years. Despite compelling scientific evidence against a causal association, many parents and parent advocacy groups continue to suspect that vaccines, particularly measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs), can cause autism."


    Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,


    It might be worthwhile for you to look through the literature in Pubmed.


    If there are any journal articles that you find that you'd like to get PDF reprints of, shoot me a PM and I can send it to you via e-mail.


    JayB - are you a parent?

  5. As stated above, well done population based studies have shown no link between autism and the MMR...ever...with or without thimerisol.


    Can you point me to these studies? I'm interested in seeing how in depth this has been studied.


    JayB et al....one of anecdotes in this thread and elsewhere is that the those that choose not to vaccinate are either religious wackos, or paranoid ignorants gobbling up conspiracy theories. The irony is that one of the primary discouragers of the MMR vaccination is Dr. Sears, the father of attachment parenting (family bed, anti sleep training, etc.). His reason for not giving your infant the MMR vaccine is that, according to him, the probability of side effects from the vaccine are greater than the odds of contracting the diseases themselves. You can choose to agree or disagree with this reasoning, but it's still REASONing.

  6. Autism is pretty harsh, too. I think the feared MMR/Autism link is freaking alot of people right now. My wife works with children and has noticed a frightening increase in the number of kids with autistic tendancies. I'm not implicating the MMR, but something must be going on to cause this very real increase.


    How hard is it to get individual Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines - that could be what it takes to get this group back on the vaccination train.


    The MMR autism link is certainly causing pause. Our 11-month old is coming up on his MMR vaccination soon. I think the reason people are looking at MMR is more about the timing of when the MMR is given, and when symptoms of Autism begin to appear.


    The thing is, if you start asking yourself what 1st world children are exposed to today vs. 20 years ago....well shit. Think about our diet, chemicals, radiation.....



  7. Looks like my plans for the weekend fell through. I am looking for a climbing partner for this Saturday (May 10) for alpine. I am thinking of either the North Buttress Couloir of Colchuck or NE Couloir on Dragontail. I would like to be at the trailhead by 6:00 am requiring a 4:00 AM departure from Issaquah. I can drive from Issaquah and bring the rope/ rack / apres climb beer. Newbies and hardmen are both welcome. I fall somewhere in between.


    If interested please email bighurtbob@hotmail.com.






    Damn - two routes that I pulled up short on and had to downclimb....if only it wasn't my wife's first Mother's day weekend.

  8. Why the sudden respect for sovereignty?


    Because Asia is much bigger than Iraq.....


    Iraq is a country on the continent of Asia, as is Myanmar, numbnuts.


    You are not that dumb to miss my point right?.....and yes....i am a numbnut.....


    This is an unfair insult of Kevbone. Unfortunately for all of us, his nuts seem to be quite functional relative to the rest of him.

  9. Well it's been two months of PT, and I went out this past weekend to do some hiking and climbing. It was sore before I went out and it got worse, and so now my therapist wants me to talk to my ortho doc about a cortizone shot. It's never been 100% in the last 2 months or much above 80% for that matter. I'm wondering if I should get a different therapist, or something. She gives me the hardest exercises she can (or maybe knows of?), and I've been doing them pretty easily for the last two months. I had a slight internal deviation when I pressed up with my right leg that I've corrected, but still having tons of pain. Even while sitting down in a chair. Maybe my original doc was right by saying PT wasn't going to work, since I'm in such good shape. Maybe a wrong diagnosis?? Fucking lame!!!!


    WC - have you gotten an MRI?....if you haven't and your insurance will cover it, it might be worthwhile.

  10. "There is nowhere in Leavenworth where you can find as many routes as close together under 5.9 as at Castle."

    according to my guidebook there are 61 routes on Castle.

    13 are under 5.9, including such classics as North Ridge (5.5)

    Clem's Layback (5.8) & Heavenly Traverse (5.7)

    where's the beef?

    KK: didn't mean to call you an idiot, I think you arrived at that conclusion yourself. BTW, what is the minimum number of posts one needs for credibility?


    IMO, Ironically, I think the only way for you to gain credibility here is to have 5 fewer posts

  11. Wow, those stories are boring. Where are the 'I woke up face down on an unfamiliar kitchen floor wearing only my underwear and my back and legs covered in chocolate syrup' stories?


    Not that my life was ever that exciting, but I had these friends . . .


    boring is right....now if they polled people from my hometown of Spokane, then they would have some stories

  12. Hi,


    I'm having trouble deciding on a lightweight, strong single wall 4 season tent and before I plunk down a wad of cash I`d like to get people's opinions. I've seen mixed reviews on both of these tents but these two seem like they would both fit my needs quite well. My main reason for choosing a single wall is the strength to weight ratio but if there are other options in the 5 to 6 pound range that would work well in all conditions I am open to any suggestions. The price of these tents is pretty high but I'm willing to suck it up to get something I`ll use for several years.


    the most important things to me are:

    - lightweight

    - easy to set up

    - strong

    - less than $600

    - would prefer a vestibule but not essential (Eldo doesn't have one, Alpinist does)

    - I'm 6'2" so I'd prefer something larger (hence the Eldo over the I-tent)




    I think one big difference between the Marmot and all of these is that it has a PU vs. PTFE membrane.....I'm not sure that PU has been demonstrated to breathe as well as PTFE. You might not be able to get much feedback on the Alpinists' performance in the PNW climate, but he Alpinist uses Marmot's "Membrane" laminate, so it would be interesting to see what folks' experience has shown with Jackets made out of this vs. PTFE laminates.

  13. I'm looking for a pair of insulated leathers to supplement my Scarpa Charmoz. The Scarpas are a bit narrow in the toe box for my liking, so I'm interested in trying a few other brands. The Sportivas I've tried have also been way narrow. They're always fine in the heel, I just need more room across the toes. Anyway, I'm looking at these: Lowa Cristallo X Pro GTX


    Any feedback on these boots? Any other suggestions? I tried the Kayland super ice (sold those to Couloir), and they had the same problem, although the Apex Rocks fit fine.


    are you looking specifically for leathers or just a single boot...the Lowas you mention look like they are mostly synthetic

  14. Hubba Hubba from MSR is highly rated by my long distance hiker friends who have one. Right about 4 lbs.


    Never used one myself, but the specs on the Seedhouse mentioned by Lambone are compelling.


    If you can handle 2 1/2 season products, check out tarptent.com I loved the Squall Classic (03 model) out on the PCT in 2006. They have 2 person models in the 2 to 2 1/2 lb range.


    I've got a hubba hubba, and love it....for the use mentioned it would be great because it's a great bug dome if that's all you need, but use in the alpine might be questionable as I don't think it does great in high winds. I don't know if they've changed the design but my only real beef with it is that the there are tie downs on the fly, but not a corresponding anchorage of the fly to the poles near these points, so anchorage of the fly does not translate to the poles.

  15. As the cutting edge/edge of the envelope gets pushed further and further to me what is "moderate" becomes harder and harder...


    I call bullshit. "moderate" has little to do with what the world's best athletes are doing. "moderate" has to do with what a majority of the athletes are doing. A synonym of "moderate" is "average".


    The world's best marathon runners can finish in a little over 2 hours. By your definition, a "moderate" finishing time would be around 3 hours. After all, 3 to 3.5 hours is achievable if you train. In truth, less than 10% of marathon runners finish in less than 3.5 hours. The average is 4.5 hours to finish.


    Sorry, I had to bring some logic into the discussion.


    No apology necessary...this is on the climber's board and not in spray

  16. Now that you've got the stones, Eric, lets hear your recs for moderate climbs for the moderate climber. I listed one that most of the regular posters here probably wouldn't even rope up for!


    I also don't have the stones to tip my hat as to what MY definition of moderate is on this BB. Remember my Outerspace thread??? Once bitten..... :o

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