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Posts posted by ericb

  1. Here's a thought.....Regionally based Pub-club focus groups in Seattle, PDX, Bend, etc. Post the event, you buy beer and food and invite a bunch of us dirt-bags to bring some of our packs and discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly. We could show you what held up and what didn't, the features we like and the ones that were unnecessary. If you've been on this site long, you will realize that a consensus is unlikely, but you'd leave with some good ideas.

  2. I am developing a line of gear starting with a backpack. I am also prototyping other types of gear as well. The goal is to produce a high quality gear at a low cost option for climbers. It will be sold by word of mouth and online to start to keep the cost lower. Much of the cost of the gear is mark up. First run will be available in about 2-3 months.


    What are climbers looking for in a backpack? Durability, lite weight, options. Will you buy from a grass roots local company?



    Are you sure that's what you meant to say? I would hope that most of the cost will be for materials and labour.


    Isn't this the business model of Cilogear? There seem to be a lot of supporters for them here. There's always a market for affordable quality gear.


    Everyone would love a pack that was lighter than air, would last a lifetime, could be adjusted to work in all situations and came for free. What compromises do you have in mind? It's easier to answer more directed questions.


    Sorry for being difficult but I TA first year physics and am easily frustrated with open questions.


    Some advice as it relates to Cilogear...one of the reasons he's been relatively successful with the word of mouth model is he stands by his gear. Not every pack comes out perfect, no matter who the manufacturer is, but Graham has a work-order agreement with a Seattle repair shop and will fix things free of charge or replace gear that doesn't perform as expected.


    I think if you look at the progression of his packs, one thing to take note of is he has replaced ultra light fabrics with more durable fabrics based on field feedback - light is right, but sometimes shaving a couple extra ounces at the expense of durability is not worth it.

  3. I use the .5 camelot a bunch as well...I'd get 0.5 - #2 BD Camelot, and the green and yellow Alien. Also, I think it's well worth it to spend ~ 2$ more per biner for the lighter ones (Trango Superflys or equivalent). You can save 10 - 15 grams per biner and end up shaving a pound off your rack by the time all's said and done.

  4. I have a jug of Carlo Rossi at home. It really cleanses the palate in preparation for Western Family Mac+Cheese topped with Tabasco sauce.



    throw in some durkee french fried onions.....change your life

  5. Classically, I figured it out seconds after posting. Just click that brown map again for the forecast. Actually pretty cool.


    Man, if this is how I react to change now, I can't wait to be elderly...


    the only thing missing is the freezing levels...you can kind of interpolate what they would be, but I can't say that I prefer this new format

  6. We’re currently mining about 200’ deep through some of the Pleistocene glacial deposits here in the Puget lowlands. Here are pictures of a couple items we have pulled out. Both items might be approximately 100,000 years old, although some of the deposits we will go through elsewhere were laid down 600,000 years ago.


    I'd keep your discoveries on the down low b206, unless you want your job shut down and turned into an archaeological dig.

  7. do they get better mileage than a SmartCar?


    actually KKK, the SmartCar's mileage ratings are pretty uninspiring when you consider the lack of utility relative to other subcompacts with almost comparable mileage figures

  8. please explain how life spontaneously generated in the primordial ooze.


    I have not read this whole thread. Please excuse me if I am covering ground already addressed. Is there necessarily any contradiction between the idea that there is a god who "created" mankind and the theory of evolution? Yes, the idea that random chance is or could be the driving force behind evolution would seem to be at issue - but couldn't there have been a primordial ooze that the hand of god blessed with life?


    Pink was insinuating that there was something wrong with person believing something he/she didn't understand. I was simply making the point that he too believed in something he didn't understand.

  9. "our" side.


    Huh? Define this please.


    dumb it down for him....think Teletubbies



    on the side of people "who believe in things they don't understand".


    Thanks Pink...now along those lines, please explain how life spontaneously generated in the primordial ooze.

  10. If you aren't talking to terrorists then you have nothing to worry about!



    So if they come into your house and take your wife and put you in jail.....it would be cool because you have nothing to hide. Where does it end?


    Do you have a cell phone? You most likely have an agreement with them. You should try looking it over......see what you can see.


    I'm confused....they put you in jail and they take your wife where?....or do you mean "take" as in the Biblical sense. If that's what you are talking about, then this is bullshit. For the rest of us, other than not talking to our Syrian relatives in pig latin, I guess life goes on.

  11. From Wikipedia


    Homosexuality is a crime and forbidden in most Islamic countries, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iran, etc. In some relatively secular or multi-religious Islamic countries, this is not the case, Albania and Turkey being examples.


    Same-sex intercourse officially carries the death penalty in several Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and Yemen.[1] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban. The legal situation in the United Arab Emirates is unclear. In many Muslim nations, such as Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria and the Maldives, homosexuality is punished with jail time, fines, or corporal punishment. In some Muslim-majority nations, such as Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia or Mali, same-sex intercourse is not specifically forbidden by law. In Egypt, openly gay men have been prosecuted under general public morality laws. (See Cairo 52.) On the other hand, homosexuality, while not legal, is tolerated to some extent in Lebanon, which has a significantly large Christian minority, and has been legal in Turkey for decades.


    In Saudi Arabia, the maximum punishment for homosexuality is public execution, but the government will use other punishments—e.g., fines, jail time, and whipping—as alternatives, unless it feels that homosexuals are challenging state authority by engaging in LGBT social movements.[2] Iran is perhaps the nation to execute the largest number of its citizens for homosexuality. Since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, the Iranian government has executed more than 4,000 people charged with homosexual acts[3]. In Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban, homosexuality went from a capital crime to one that it punished with fines and prison sentence.



  12. this is a flash thought i had this morning (i'm slow). it's so obvious i'm sure someone else has said it before but i thought i should post it here so we can have our own flame war if necessary.



    to the christians:


    you know how you think it's crazy muslims deny women rights by making them wear veils, not letting them drive, and in general treating them like second class citizens? that's how i feel about your attempts to make abortion illegal.


    you know how you think it's crazy muslims punish the victims of rape or punish women who sit in the company of men they are not related to? that's how i feel about your opposition to gay marriage.


    you know how you think it's crazy muslims wage a holy war against all infidels and think isreal should be wiped off the map? that's how i feel about your attempts to teach intelligent design or creationism in schools.


    you know how you think there are probably a lot of muslims who just see islam as a source of personal inspiration and don't advocate violence or terrorism? that's how i feel about christians who don't feel the need to impose their beliefs on others.



    thanks and have a great day.



    I agree, that you are slow. Happy?

  13. Got this thursday through the weekend off and would love to get out. I was originally planning on skiing in-bounds, but it looks like the avvy danger is finally stabilizing a bit. I've got tentative plans to ski in-bounds Friday, but open to something more adventurous. Looking for easy alpine, ski tour or ski-mountaineering. I've got an AT setup, snowshoes, etc.

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