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Posts posted by ericb

  1. Few thoughts....


    If you only have two on a rope, you should each have coils to use in a rescue scenario. If you are planning on tieing on a second rope, how will you get the rope to run through the pulleys/biners of a rescue system?


    If you are in a big team doing a running belay with pickets/screws, the knot in the rope will not run through biners.


    Also, in a alpine w/rap descent, if you tie ropes together for 30M raps, having a knot increases the chance of the rope getting hung up when you pull it. It's a reasonable trade off to get 60M raps with two 60M lines, but I'm not sure about 2x30M


    IMO, if the only advantage is sharing weight, divide the other group gear to balance out one person carrying the weight. I can't think of any real advantages to having two 30M ropes vs. 1x60M.


    If you really want a 30M - which is very convenient for ski-mountaineering, etc, just buy it in addition to the 60M. They are very inexpensive.

  2. I cant speak for everyone but I am so fucking tired of you guys taking pop shots at each other.


    Please stop. Please.


    So fucking tired of it...


    1) this is spray

    2) your particpation on this BB is voluntary

    3) you don't need to speak for everyone - you can post a survey....work smarter, not harder

  3. OH, and if you can't wait for Icicle Ridge or RAMROD, we can just do good ole Mailbox Peak anytime you like.


    And, you're welcome to join us for a Lillooet jaunt this weekend so you can demonstrate your rope gunning.


    Funny thing is, my comments were purely an attempt to get people talking about football...in a football thread (that's how it started). I (correctly) suggested that most of the loud-mouth types on this board are even less capable of talking football than they are talking about climbing. It was a challenge...with the goal being to stimulate football talk. I think that the game was interesting, but what the Giants did was incredibly special. What we end up with is yet another cc.com thread degenerating into absolute trash with the usual a-holes leading the charge.


    Another funny thing...you claim I'm all washed up for "real climbing" and arbitrarily claim that mt. biking doesn't qualify. I offer to climb off the couch and show you what "Mr. Glory Dayz" is all about and you punt.


    Icicle Ridge sounds super, if you're still interested when it melts out. I assume you're talking about doing it on mountain bikes.


    And here's another challenge: I'll bet I can do your hardest boulder problem with a watermelon tied to my ass. [/


    Um...this is punting to you? What's the matter, you can't walk anymore? I'll PM you so everyone else can get back to football.


    I'm sure the irony of your "loudmouth" comment isn't lost on anyone, Bolt Boy.


    Oh, and my dad can beat up your dad.


    talk is cheap....I've seen a photo of Pope soloing Brass Balls and I've seen a photo of Tvash, well.....[see above comment]....they say a picture is worth a thousand words......

  4. I have a 60Mx8mm for glaciers and it works great...nice and light. You don't really need a single for the reasons you mention, and also, in the case of a fall into a crevasse, the friction of the rope running over the lip absorbs energy as well. One thing to keep in mind is that standard prussiks don't grab well on an 8mm due to the minimal diameter differential so you may need to get small diameter prussik cord.


    I've also used the rope on a moderate rock climb where there was a long approach (weight a factor) a full 60M was needed for the

    rappel, and the pitches were short/simulclimbable so we doubled it.

  5. I was thinking that what we were witnessing in that post was a "Smeagol-vs-Golemn" voice-in-head type debate materializing before us on the screen, rather than a serious game of (rhetorical) climbing one-upmanship vs a guy who climbed at Pope's level. But who knows....



    Damn dude...you are deep....I was thinking "Bitch titties on an endurance athlete, now there's something you don't see everyday"

  6. As for ice, I'm very happy with where I am after a whole year of doing it, thanks. Whether or not I'm 'better' than anyone else is irrelevant; I'm getting better every climb and having fun doing it, and that's all that matters to me. If you feel the need to slam me for lack of experience, you go girl. I couldn't give less of a shit.....


    Ahhh....that sheds a little light on why your belayer on Triple Couloirs got hypothermic. Perhaps you should warn your climbing partners about your skill level so they know what kind of belay parka to pack!

  7. I don't think our EricB gets enough action back in Christiandome. He's secretly a playah. I'm thinking he's well known on the Cap Hill circuit.


    too close to home, so too risky....I prefer MSP airport

  8. ..... Do you see the Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, or any other religious sect trying to pass their "God's laws"? No. It's only these fuckwads.


    wrong again




    Excerpt FYI


    The most vocal response to Newsom's same-sex marriage move came from a group of San Francisco Muslims. About 70 Muslims from the Al-Sabeel Masjid Noor Al Islam mosque on Golden Gate Avenue assembled on the City Hall steps Friday to protest same-sex marriage.


    The group approached the steps quietly, some holding signs quoting from the Koran or labeling homosexuality "inhuman."


  9. I need to thin out the gear closet, and have a coulple great softshell jackets for sale.


    1) - OR Mithril Waterproof softshell - Black/Large....very-good/like-new condition. ~ 1 year old, Worn for ~ 1/2 dozen days of lift served skiing.




    Retail $200...asking $120 $100 - SOLD



    Cloudveil Serendipity - Medium, blue/gray ~ 4 years old in Very Good condition with earlier generation Schoeller fabric - I jumped on this because it was on sale, but I've never worn it much (< 20 days) as it's a tad small for me and couldn't layer much under it.




    This jacket now retails for ~ $270, but retailed for $225 when I bought it (for ~ $179). Asking $100 $80





  10. Bug....I think you are incorrect. I think this site first became the topic of coversation in churches after the Mt. Hood incident December 2006. You know...the one where the selective morality of CC.com became evident??? There were lots of "climbers" and mods blathering in a condescending tone about how horrific and distasteful it was for us to speculate about the climbers decision making given that their friends and relatives all over the country might be searching the site for information and context. All the while members here were mocking the Christian faith that these same friends and relatives clung to for hope and comfort.

  11. Have you tried Ice?


    Also, different people are more/less effected by muscle relaxants, and some cloud your brain less than others. If you take one before bed, it should be out of your system by morning.


    They don't make me drowsy really, just a tad spacey, but that's me.


    Another easy thing that might help is make sure you are drinking lots of water, and take a calcium/magnesium supplement if you aren't already.


    Chiropractic might be worth a shot as well

  12. Yeah, we knew about your dissapproval of the pic posting up front. We got that part, Sherlock. I wouldn't have made 111's post, but that's not at issue here. Your "clarification" does nothing to justify your denigrating someone who can't defend themselves and insulting someone's fiancee at the same time in a the lowest brow manner possible. You chose to express your dissapproval in the shittiest manner possible. In short, despite your verbal diarrhea, you're still a fucking tool.


    As for your justifications, well, apparently you're also a freak show, as well.




    YOU are chastizing SC for denigrating a person on-line and being low-brow???


    Do you have any idea how stupid you are?

  13. From the urban dictionary - almost prophetic


    1. manzier


    A brassiere-like device, for men. As seen on Seinfeld.


    "In Fight Club, Meat Loaf could do with a manzier"



    2. Manzier


    A bra for someone with man boobs.


    Look at that fat fuck, he needs a manzier.


    3. Manzier


    Word describing a bra designed for men that possess droopy, saggy, or otherwise oversized pectoral fat. Such men could be said to have man cans, man boobs, man titties, moobs.


    If Jack's man cans get any bigger he is going to need a manzier to keep from getting black eyes.




  14. So is the key idea of your post that the key to happiness is to make up a place to go for after you die? Or is the key motivation of your post a celebration that you're in and liberals are damned? Does that thought make you happy? I'm just wondering what makes a shining example of "Christianity" such as yourself tick, here.


    Damn...a guy just posts an interesting article and suddenly he's got some sort of agenda....are you pissy cause you just realized the trail to Mailbox Peak won't be runnable until August?

  15. Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.


    And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true


    Nah, I think we'll go back to the topic of your original post and continue along that vein. No one wants to hear the 100th repeat of the manzier joke, save KKK, but then you can lead him around a dark room with a flashlight. So, why are you happier than other people, exactly? Did a desire to share your secrets of happiness motivate you to post this life changing bit of journalistic wonder?


    You forgot Fairweather....he loves the manzier shit

  16. Are Americans Really Unhappy




    ....The Gallup findings also say, "Republicans are more likely than Independents or Democrats to say they are very satisfied with their personal lives and that they are very happy." Well, duh, the left will say; Republicans are richer, and the rich are happier. That's why the left is so riled up.


    But this cliché is no longer true. The rich are not reflexively Republican anymore. In the blue states the opposite is starting to be true: The richer and more educated one is, the likelier one is to vote Democratic or Independent.


    If it's not riches, then what is it? Why are Americans happy and Republicans happier still?


    One clue comes from George Orwell, whose wartime Tribune (nyse: TRB - news - people ) columns I read during the holiday break. On Dec. 24, 1943, under the pseudonym John Freeman, Orwell wrote that the duty of all left-thinking people is to banish the Christian idea of Heaven and replace it with a nonreligious Utopia of their own design. The problem, writes Orwell, is this:


    "All 'favourable' Utopias seem to be alike in postulating perfection while being unable to suggest happiness. [William Morris' novel] News from Nowhere is a sort of goody-goody version of the Wellsian Utopia. Everyone is kindly and reasonable, all the upholstery comes from Liberty's [of London], but the impression left behind is of a sort of watery melancholy. Lord Samuel's recent effort in the same direction, An Unknown Country, is even more dismal. The inhabitants of Bensalem (the word is borrowed from Francis Bacon) give the impression of looking on life as simply an evil to be got through with as little fuss as possible. All that their wisdom has brought them is permanent low spirits."


    Orwell wrote this as a man of the left--quite an admission.



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