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Posts posted by ericb

  1. between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m., every day. takes 2 minutes or less, wash-up included. I'm known as the Rocket Man around here, as in I take rocket shits. In and out, no dawdling. :rolleyes:


    I hear you...I don't relate to the 30 minute paper breaks. I'm told that once my son hit's 2 years old, and the terlet is my only peace, there will be a pschosomatic slow down of my function, but for now, I'm digging the efficieny factor.

  2. If I recall, you can camp lower and there's a fixed line and short rock downclimb that gains the glacier lower and earlier. I think the guides use/maintain the ropes here. The big advantage is that you can scamper across the bottom of the chute (that I believe unloaded that avalanche). I think if you go as high as camp Hazard, you end up having to come down that chute, and there's much longer exposure to the objective hazard.

  3. If anyone knows a climber who is any of the following; ordained, a minister, magistrate, judge, or the like, can you pass along this post to them-


    My girlfriend and I are planning to get married on top of Mt. Baker this summer. Our marriage license that we have from City Hall requires us to have two witnesses and a person who is any of the following; ordained, a minister, magistrate, judge, or justice of the peace to perform the ceremony and sign off. We had my brother-in-law (who is a clergyman of a church) all lined up to perform the ceremony. We just found out yesterday that he has to bail due to a small emergency, so we are under the gun to find a replacement before our license expires. If anyone is interested, we are in need of someone willing to climb Mt. Baker with us and perform a short ceremony on the summit. I will pay them whatever fee they feel is appropriate and reasonable. I am a competent climber who has climbed many different routes on Mt. Baker. I would be willing to "guide" the one performing the ceremony to the top if they are lacking in mountaineering skills.

    They would get paid to climb a beautiful mountain!

    We are looking for any of the following weekends (Saturday-Sunday)

    August 2-3 (first choice) July 27-28, or August 9-10.

    Please private message me if you are interested or know of someone who might be interested. They can bring a friend if they like.



    Seattle, WA



    My pastor is a climber....We've done Ranier together and he's done Baker several times. No idea if the days would work for him, but I'll ping him.

  4. Hey, all...


    Long time no post... I took a new half-time job so have been working like crazy the last few months. Climbing lots, too, but not posting.


    But, I'm just back from Tuolumne and the Leap, and wanted to share my TR. The trip was absolutely incredible... it was my first time to both places, and I was blown away by the quality and quantity of climbing. And, the quality and quantity of the mosquitos. I think at one point, Alex counted 46 mosquito bites on one of Victoria's arms. :)


    TR is online at: http://www.rockclimbergirl.com/2008/07/where-soul-meets-body-tuolumne-and.html


    I just had my first trip to the Leap 3 weeks ago and LOVED it. great climbing, great rock, great pro. Worth a trip all by itself, especially for me and my modest leading abilities.

  5. What about the freeze-dried food shortage? THE GOVERNMENT IS FORCING COMPANIES TO SELL TO THEM!!!


    What if we run out of ramen?


    Mountain House Chile Mac could certainly be classified as a weapon.


    Dude if you are into Chili Mac....try Mary Jane's Farm...best freeze dried meal out there.

  6. Recently I've gotten myself in a situation in which someone who was once close to me has done and continues to do so many hurtful things to me and my children that I find it hard not to hate them. I was raised thinking that hatred is bad (mmm kay?), so it's sort of a natural reaction for me to try not to. But it's hard, when these feelings feel so natural. I've never really felt like this before about someone, so it's kind of new to me.


    Couple of questions: What's so bad about hating someone, anyway? Why should I be trying so hard not to? Isn't it a natural emotion just like everything else? Is it even possible to not feel an emotion that you're feeling? It's all just chemicals, anyway.


    And, what in the world do you do to not hate someone? Trying to not hate someone is like trying to not love someone.


    Rob - I think you ultimately need to get yourself to a place where you realize that not hating this person is in YOUR (and your kids) best interest - your decision not to hate this person is not for this person's benefit. Odds are that your kids are already being hurt by this persons actions, and to the extent that a hateful mindset drives actions/attitudes of anger in your life, they are the recipients of more collateral damage. Also, I've found that for me, harboring resentment poisons my own quality of life in other spheres. Choosing not to hate is not about letting a person off the hook who deserves to be treated poorly based on their actions/attitudes. Rather, it's being mature enough to recognize that returning hate with hate does more damage to you and your kids than simply letting go.

  7. My MSR stove gave out after several good years. Looking to buy replacement. Anybody have recommendations?


    depends on what you are using it for, if you only plan on boiling water get a pocket rocket....weighs 3 oz. This plus a gas canister + an MSR Titan kettle weighs in at 1 lb.

  8. Has anybody been up on Stuart this year? Looking to climb the North ridge in the next couple of weeks.


    We did the bulk of the Cascadian Couloir as the approach to the West Ridge of Sherpa Saturday.....still tons of snow from the False summit down a good bit. A lot could happen in the next week or so, but right now I'd want an axe for that descent.

  9. Showed this to my Supervisor, and she was going to speak to her Supervisor and a LEO or two. May change how we do things. Could see a car or two getting towed, and maybe a hand cuff or two getting applied. Commiting felonies is dumb


    Chiming in as a goverment representative without one proper sentence in your entire post is dumb

  10. In case anyone's going to be around the base of Corrugation Corner at Lover's Leap in the near future, and finds a pair of prescription glasses, please let me know... Mine fell off at the second belay on Sunday, and seemed to bounce all the way down.

    Doubtful the lenses survived, but the frames might have.



    Ditto for me and a pink tri-cam

  11. California, our most populous state, passing legislation like this (in addition to other states) constitutes a groundswell by any measure.


    If you'll carefully read my posts, you'll realize that I refered to recent court cases, not the California law, when framing the religious issue. You've cited an argument I never made.


    Huh? The people of CA passed an initiative against allowing gay marriage. The CA supreme court threw it out. Judicial activism, IMHO. I would like to see the issue stand on its own merit.


    And I'd like to quit tagging this as religious intolerance. In this case, the beliefs of the church seem to reflect the mainstream view as indicated by every single popular vote on the subject.

  12. OK, let's here it: how many of you are planning a nuptual sojourn to California in the near future?


    The groundswell to legalize gay marriage has resulted in a number of court cases pitting religious organizations against gays; often regarding the use of their public facilities. So far, religion has been losing case after case.


    I applaud this. The establishment clause of the constitution was never meant to give religion cart blanche to descriminate or violate basic civil liberties. Believers may dissapprove of gays all they want for (ostensibly) religious reasons (fabricated bullshit, if you know your bible), but when this translates into public action in the form of discrimination, these churches are now breaking the law.


    The days when society accepted religion as an excuse to abuse children, practice racial and sexual descrimination, and violate the equal protection clause are now, thankfully, numbered.


    If your religious doctrine violates the basic civil liberties of others, either work to change your doctrine, or move it on down the road. There are plenty of countries where that kind of discimination is still OK. This one is no longer one of them.


    I think you are missing the point Tvash. The "groundswell" to legalize gay marriage??? What is this groundswell you speak of??? Every time the issue has been put to a vote - "marriage" that is - the vote has been against gay marriage. So the groundswell you speak of is not popular opinion, it would seem. This is not an issue of the people vs. "the church", this is the courts declaring that californias law which reflected the will of the people - as indicated by popular vote, is unconstitutional.

  13. I did not say we give him everything he wants. I said we try our hardest to meet his needs. There is a difference. And instead of saying "No" dont play with that.....we go over and talk to him about why its not time to play with that and try to distract him.

    That works fine now, for his age range. That ain't gonna work so well in a year or two - kids aren't stupid. I've been there with two kids already, both of them raised in the same style as your Miles. I'm just sayin'... But hey, good luck with that. :wave:


    Talking about parenting philosphy on a climbing BB.....if our wives could see us now! :grin:

  14. I don't know about that, there was nothing special we did for Simone she was naturally a good sleeper. I just think in general, some kids just sleep better than others. There is some training involved, but I think most it is either they are or aren't good at sleeping.


    I can't wait for a diaper free future. That will be nice.


    me thinks KB is in the attachement parenting camp, and might be sharing the bed with the parents. My little dude would most assuredly be getting up several times throughout the night if he was sleeping next to me :D


    KB....true or false?

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