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Posts posted by ericb

  1. As an atheist, I'm basically Satan. Is Satan a righty or a lefty?


    You are "basically" overly self absorbed. Which resembles one of Satan's attributes but does not make you Satan.


    Try harder.


    Satan manifested himself in the Bible as a serpent, and serpents do not have notable breasts, therefore that would be a strike against his assertion

  2. please fill me in.


    Old-school conservatives stood for strict constructionism, small govt/fiscal responsibility, and states rights.


    nowadays, the overarching principles seem to be gone, and it's just a smattering of contradictory issues.


    -pro-life but pro-death-penalty

    -wants states to choose abortion laws, but not to choose gay marriage laws

    -tax cuts instead of fiscal responsibility

    -corporate pandering bordering on corruption

    -extreme executive domination of the three branches

    -squashes amendments 1 and 4 under the premise of fighting terrorism, while protecting 2 at the expense of gun accidents/violence


    Why do dems have nothing better to do in the early AM than start a liberal circle jerk with their buddies?Do you find it ironic that the fact that the Dems take the opposing sides of many of the issues above would imply that they seem to have a similar inconsistency of platform?


    Probably not....why don't you go back to your algorithm Yngnant


    Um, isn't your hand part of this early morning circle jerk?


    Why so grumpy lately?


    After 6AM is not early in my boat


    as far as the grumpiness, Boss quit, work sucks...I want to retire and spend some time photographing flowers and making furniture

  3. please fill me in.


    Old-school conservatives stood for strict constructionism, small govt/fiscal responsibility, and states rights.


    nowadays, the overarching principles seem to be gone, and it's just a smattering of contradictory issues.


    -pro-life but pro-death-penalty

    -wants states to choose abortion laws, but not to choose gay marriage laws

    -tax cuts instead of fiscal responsibility

    -corporate pandering bordering on corruption

    -extreme executive domination of the three branches

    -squashes amendments 1 and 4 under the premise of fighting terrorism, while protecting 2 at the expense of gun accidents/violence


    Why do dems have nothing better to do in the early AM than start a liberal circle jerk with their buddies?


    Do you find it ironic that the fact that the Dems take the opposing sides of many of the issues above would imply that they seem to have a similar inconsistency of platform?


    Probably not....why don't you go back to your algorithm Yngnant


    So your idea of fulfillment is getting compliments on your flower macro shots and spending countless hours on stupid Youtube videos....GOOD FOR YOU....but no need to be threatened by the possibility that there might be more to life that you are missing out on.


    Were you sent here to reveal God's personal plan for me?


    That would be a bit arrogant, but that said, I'd like to believe that the bitch-tittie chiding kicked off a little personal fitness epiphany on your part...you are looking slimmer....dare I take credit?

  5. It's easy to understand why someone who believes in God would try and show an un-believer the err of his ways...out of compassion for the soul. The justification of this in reverse seems to elude me. Are you (TTK) that insecure of your own position and beliefs that you need some sort of validation?


    "Don't believe in God....I don't and just look how happy I am"


    So your idea of fulfillment is getting compliments on your flower macro shots and spending countless hours on stupid Youtube videos....GOOD FOR YOU....but no need to be threatened by the possibility that there might be more to life that you are missing out on.

  6. I have the Patagonia DAS parka and am very happy with it. The DAS parka is cut large to fit over your other gear, including a climbing helmet. They are extremely light and come with a stuff sack that packs very small. I put it in my summit pack and it really takes up little room. The DAS stays warm when wet which is a key factor in the NW. It was worth every penny I paid for it.


    I too have/love the DAS - it is the premier synthetic overcoat for full conditions, but I have to take exception to the statements about light weight and small - there are lots of lighter/smaller jackets out there, especially once you start looking at down.


    As Dan Smith stated, synthetic is the way to go, though, if the conditions suck (i.e. winter in the Cascades).

    The DAS is great, and relatively light, but very bulky in the pack

  7. How is rapping from the tree any different than rapping from the bolts? The bolts are not changing the length or commitment of that route and, frankly, are more "natural"-looking than the ratty nest of multicolored slingage that used to be inflicted on that tree base.

    plus, you don't damage the tree itself...


    Ok, for those who may need a refresher:

    Rapping from the tree is natural, the tree is super solid (ie. not going anywhere anytime soon) whereas the bolted belay is just another needless scar.


    OMG I almost forgot, save the trees :moondance:.


    A needless scar in an old rock quarry :shock:


    This cannot be!

  8. Interesting take on the situation....here's another slant


    There are probably few people in the country as familiar with Sarah Palin's character as her own daughter. The fact that the daughter, even knowing that the actions leading to the pregnancy surely went against everything that the family had taught, knowing what her mom's stance would surely be, and knowing about the likely political ramifications of this "scandal", did not go "have it taken care of" (undoubtedly the easy thing to do here) is pretty telling. When a child is able to trust a parent that much - I think it says a lot about both the child and the parent. I hope, as a parent, my children feel confident enough in my unconditional love that they would trust me enough to seek my counsel and support if they were in a similar position. Perhaps Sarah Palin is a person of integrity, and compassion, just like the hype. How weird would that be?


    It's pretty sad when staying true to one's beliefs and values, even when the consequences immense, is not considered admirable.


    As far as hypothesizing about what the conservative press would do if it was the child of a Democrat, don't waste your breath - those hypothetical kids don't make it to their first ultrasound.

  9. Couldn't agree more.....Perhaps once the election is over, we can stop the partisan debate about whether or not going to war in Iraq was justified...


    Yes and no. In my mind, we have to keep talking about this because so many Americans and politicians keep arguing that we can and should rely upon American military strength as the answer to just about every "situation" that comes up. You are right that the debate over the run up to the war is a distraction from considerations of exactly what to do in Iraq now, but it is absolutely essential that we acknowledge how we got into this mess if we are going to avoid making things worse everywhere else.


    Sigh...all I can say is screw the weatherman. I should be climbing today, but cancelled my plans based on the forecast last night - instead I'm blathering about politics.

  10. You break it, you fix it....call it a moral obligation


    A quaint truism.


    The problem with all of this is that nobody is even trying to talk about what our prospects for any kind of improvement let alone success in Iraq may be. From Democrats and Republicans all we get is sound bites that are designed to stimulate an emotional response but no real information nor any actual discussion.


    Couldn't agree more.....Perhaps once the election is over, we can stop the partisan debate about whether or not going to war in Iraq was justified, and face the fact that we are there, have an adult discussion about what conditions should be met before we withdraw, and start working towards that end. Talking about how much we are spending on reconstruction has limited value. How much did the US spend on Japanese reconstruction after WWII - and they attacked us. In Iraq, we need to question whether we are spending money wisely and not throwing it down the drain to be wasted (by corruption, corporate greed, etc.), but we need restore human services, transportation infrastructure. etc. that we bombed. Whether or not we should have bombed it is a separate discussion.

  11. The Ptarmigan Traverse was first hiked in a day in the mid-1980s, I believe. I met one of the guys who did it, but I don't remember his name. I don't know how long they took.


    Joe Stock and a friend named Andrew hiked the route in 15 hours, 40 minutes on September 4, 2004. Joe submitted a brief story about the trip to the 2005 NWMJ but we decided not to publish it. (I still have Joe's original story and I also have his address.) I don't know if other people have been trying to set speed records.


    My brother Carl and I probably did the first one-day ski traverse in 1988. (Story here.) Our intention was just to ski the route in a day, so I don't know if we could have gone faster. I believe the route has been skied in a day several times since then.


    When Carl and I skied the Ptarmigan in 1988 we did most of the trip in plastic mountaineering boots. I think walking the route in lightweight shoes would be faster and you wouldn't need to take ski gear. But skiing was what we wanted to do.


    so then the assertion that this time is a "speed record" is incorrect?

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