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Posts posted by gertlush

  1. A] supplier of parts to the Pentagon billed them $998,798 to send 2 washers with a value of 38 cents to an Army installation in Texas, the tip of the iceberg in a Pentagon over-billing scam totaling over $20 million.


    The two sisters who owned the company and lived ostentatiously on their criminal activities discovered a loophole in the Pentagon’s shipping system. Supplies to combat areas and military installations that had been labeled “priority” were paid automatically. Charlene Corley is the surviving sister and owner of C&D Distributors of Lexington, SC. She is being fined only $750,000 and “faces” 20 years on each count of an indictment for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to launder money. The government is hoping to recoup some of its $20.5 million by selling off “homes, beach property, jewelry and ‘high-end automobiles”. It cannot recover the money from their vacations — a Pentagon spokesperson said, “They took a lot of vacations.”



  2. nuff said, Tom Brady is 25/27 with 3 TDs, wtf!? He sold his soul to the devil. My hopes and dreams are crushed, I'm goin out to the bar. Condolences to the Seahawks, I wanted them to win as well. At least I didn't bet on $$$ on these games

  3. Broke my fibula Dec 2nd quite low down and had 4 screws and a plate put in. The ankle, ligaments etc were all untouched. The ortho doc advised me to stay on crutches until Jan 22nd. That's all fine and my recovery is going well.


    Does anyone have experience of recovering from a leg injury and how quickly you can ski again? I was thinking poss. in Feb I could get out and do some skinning up hills and just glide back down. I'll save the more streno stuff until sometime in March. Is that crazy talk? When is my bone actually "healed"



  4. My 8th day out but first at a resort. I'd always been worried by the fact that my tele bindings don't release and now I know why. Took a tumble, broke an ankle and now I've got a couple of dollars of metalwork holding it all together. Bring on the spring skiing!!


    The upside is I should be in good shape for rock climbing next year cause I'll spend all winter doing chinups and have legs like toothpicks. Or I might just sign up for cable tv and :brew::chebit::toad:

  5. :lmao:


    Come on, nobody else uses beer fridges!? That's not our problem, that's their problem! I always thought Bud tasted like urine but when it's warm the resemblance is uncanny.


    ...not that I know what piss tastes like of course :blush:

  6. And so I guess this steaming turd of a logo for something else?




    Not sure why they keep stealing all their ideas from the natives and then making them all squishy & cute...christ they made the Sasquatch look gay! He's gonna be pissed.

  7. How about this idea:


    Dutch may give financial reward to kidney donors

    Nicola Smith and Aaron Gray-Block, Amsterdam


    THE Dutch health minister, Ab Klink, is considering a recommendation to offer free health insurance for life to anyone who donates a kidney for transplant.



  8. Tragic but if I were the RCMP I would have done the same. Post 9/11 you don't mess around in the airport. What were they supposed to do? If I got stuck in the airport for 8 hours I wouldn't start throwing stuff around.

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