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Posts posted by gertlush


    Does the lowest casualty rate also hold true for Iraqi's? That could possibly be considered progress...all the other stat tells me is the yanks are staying in their bases.

  1. Other people should definitely start taking the bus more. It's good for the environment and also clears up roads so I can get around faster.


    It would be cool if they had a train from Vancouver to Whistler say; probably not cost effective but who wouldn't rather take the train than sit in traffc for hours?

  2. Interesting article, looks like a tough way to make a living. I wonder if a big company like Intrawest would ever buy an outfit like that. They could tie it into their resorts. Maybe the liability is a bit much though.

  3. Does "hip" never evolve...I mean c'mon, t-shirts with Che Guevara & Lenin and all that crap? What's next, vintage Atari or Transformers t-shirts? Wearing flat caps like old english guys in a pub?

  4. I like the follownig excerpt:


    My Suburban has them on it," protested Sen. Jim King, R-Jacksonville, whose district includes Volusia. "In my part of the country, those are very popular." He called the attachment "a statement of truckiness."


  5. So that's pretty much an invitation to speculate, at least if you're a fairly high earning individual. Uncle Sam can pay the mortgage and I'll take the capital gains thank you very much. If you're in a high tax bracket it would almost be logical to load up on a interest only mortgage!

  6. Planning to treat the gf to some boots cause all kinds of sales on right now. Want to surprise her so I can't exactly take her to the shop to fit them. I know her boot size is mondo 24 but I was wondering if I got say a size 25 would it still fit her once we mold the liners? Basically how many foot sizes can you adjust for with the liners for a particular shell size? The reason I ask is with a lot of these deals they might only have one shell size left.

  7. And then the Chinese subsequently took that money to payoff IOC officials to get the summer games there.


    ahem...Salt Lake City...cough cough


    Pfft like you guys didn't pay someone off for 2010. ;)


    Why the nerve! Don't you listen to the propaganda? BC is "The Most Beautiful place on earth" etc etc, they love us for who we are :)

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