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Posts posted by gertlush

  1. From the coverage I've seen most of the criticism is directed towards China. Yes Mattel has to recall things but the general commentary seems to lay the blame at China's doo and poor Mattel was shafted by the unscrupulous Chinese. I think these multinationals are probably very aggressive with obtaining the lowest cost suppliers they can and now it's bit them in the ass. You get what you pay for.



  2. I read an interesting article yesterday where the guy was saying that perhaps the multinationals outsourcing production to China should also bear some blame for crappy products. Granted it's the factories that are making the shoddy goods but if you're going to stamp your name on it maybe you should do some quality control.

  3. I had a service done at the local dealership (1st mistake I know) a couple of months ago on my well maintained truck with 60,000km. The bill was an astronomical $1200, they replaced all the power steering, transmission fluids, machined the brakes etc. Not knowing much about cars & not getting as estimate before the work was done (mistakes #2 & #3) I swallowed and paid.


    So now I've gone to the friendly local outfit for my latest service. They charged me $50 to change the oil and look it over and to tell me everything was fine. He was shocked & stunned that they would replace all the fluids at 60,000km and said it looked like the brakes hadn't been done at all. Basically I got the shaft I'm embarassed to admit.


    I'm going in there tomorrow to complain & hopefully get a portion refunded. If I get no joy the only thing I could think of was contacting Ford Canada and complaining directly to them. Is there anywhere else I could make my displeasure known? I'm not an aggro kind of person but I'd like some answers or at least to make these people uncomfortable.


    The guilty party is Sea to Sky Ford in Squamish.



  4. I'm still fairly new to snow & ice but it looked pretty good to me. My partner is more experienced and he said it looked in great shape. We didn't encounter any ice & the snow was nice & firm. Tszil was a similar slope, a bit lower angled, and we climbed it with normal mountaineering axes & crampons. The bergschrunds have opened up quite a bit so you'll have to zig zag a little.


    That NW face looks really cool, if there was one line up there that really caught my eye that was the one.


    -I found a piccie of it, looks sweet...



  5. Trip: Joffre area - Joffre enchainment


    Date: 8/5/2007


    Trip Report:

    Did the enchainment as described in Alpine Select. Bivied at the head of Tszil creek. Climbed the snow slope on T-shizzle's north face, over the ridge to Rex's pillar, down & around to Matier & up the West Buttres (nice route) then descend the standard route and up Joffre's south ridge which had a couple of nice pitches on it. Then found some loose gully, got down to the glacier and descended to the lakes. Left camp at 5am and got back to the car at 10pm.


    None of the climbing was too technical there was just a lot of ground to be covered. Plus there were a lot of transitions between different types of terrain. Pretty fun but by the end of it I was burnt out to say the least.


    Some scenery:








    About this point I was thinking of quitting alpine climbing for good:




    A friend:



  6. Doesn't seem like that big a deal. Iran had all kinds of American toys when the Shah was booted out. Plus you have to pay for all that oil somehow, and think of all the juicy consulting contracts, maintenance etc.

  7. Trip: Sloan - NE Ridge


    Date: 7/29/2007


    Trip Report:

    Did it in a day from Squamish which was pretty reasonable even for average punters like us. The road into the base is in good condition, easy in a 2wd pickup but not feasible in a car.


    We hiked away from the mountain on a logging road which curved round to gain the ridge. It seemed better than going straight towards the mountain & bushwhacking up the slope to gain the ridge.


    A nice blocky ridge, we avoided all the difficulties but roped up for the last bit to the summit where we got snowed on. Went down from the summit a little ways and 2 short raps had us in the chossy gully that the scramble route comes up. If going down that way stay on the opposite side of the river from Sloan to avoid the worst of the bush.


    Gear Notes:

    Brought a 50m, 9mil rope plus a few bits of gear. Not really needed but it makes getting off a bit quicker.


    Approach Notes:

    2wd pickup, easy 1.5 - 2 hour hike

  8. In a group I was in the other week one of the guys told his girlfriend she had sturdy legs, intending it as a compliment. She was not amused.

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