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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. I brought you some magazines..
  2. Choada_Boy

    Gut GVHD?

    Anyone here with experience with having, knowing someone with, or treating gut GVHD?
  3. What do you think of a presidential candidate who's supporters yell "Seig Heil!" and "Light the Mother Fucker On Fire!" when an African American Black Lives Matter protester interrupts their Two Hour Hate?
  4. What are we arguing about? Oh yeah: Freedom!!! There was a story on the radio about Trump supporters and how there was essentially nothing he could say or do that would cause them to not support him. That's awesome. This is the guy that made allusions to fucking his own daughter. It's nice to know that I live in a country full of rednecks who don't care about the incest taboo. Trump is the Republicunt front runner. Hold your head high, Ku Klux Klownpuncher! Give your one vote to the muslim hating daughter fucker. Very Christian!
  5. Come on, Ku Klux. You can do better than that! Tell him Trump is Way, way smarter than Hitler.
  6. Ku Klux Kornholer is unencumbered by modular time concepts. I hope he can remember the future as well as he can predict the past. Hilary as president will really make him turn to the Lady Boys for comfort. But be careful! They are stronger than they seem!
  7. Pork Nacht
  8. Here's Trump's latest campaign commercial: [video:youtube]
  9. He's a fucking Nazi. And I am sure that some of the Wikipediating Googlers around here will correct me in that he is not technically a Nazi, but he's a fucking Nazi.
  10. Here's what gave rise to the fundamentalists: 454 cubic inches of Detroit Muscle!! Dual Quad carburetors, four on the floor, and a positraction rear end. This baby passes everything but a gas station. A gas station with gas refined from cheap Saudi oil. Saudi Arabia, that is, the single most fucked up fundamentalist regime in the world. Rocking it in F-16s. Leading the world in beheadings.
  11. Zero Dark Retard has an owie.
  12. That's some funny shit.
  13. Major burn victim. He'd sit in his spaceship and dive into a wormhole, blazed out of his mind. How fun is that? Oh yeah, ISIS is bad. Discuss. How to make 20,000 terrorists at a time: follow Herr Eric's shitty advice. Great propaganda for ISIS. American's execute Muslims without trial. Not so great propaganda? America treats its enemies with the same dignity and respect that it reserves for its own. Caught a little about the "Spymasters" doc. Patreus is way against torture and "enhanced interrogation". It only makes enemies. Best way to get intel was to be their best friend. ISIS' narrative is "America is bad". If we act morally, our actions will refute the narrative. If we act immorally, we cannot refute the narrative.
  14. Weather is the dog running next to you while you walk down the beach as climate. Thanks NDGT!
  15. Herr Eric, your ideology that American citizens should be executed without trial for pledging allegiance to ISIS is un-American. You should be executed without trial.
  16. Facebook posts you don't agree with? Herd them into the camps!
  17. I screen White Light, Black Rain at least twice a year, as I have every year since it came out. Utterly devastating every time, deeply affects all who have seen it.
  18. There are plenty of old people in Japan that hate America.
  19. Here's how it all works...
  20. Roosevelt went for Total War before Truman came along. I read it on Wikipedia!!
  21. Could be both. [video:youtube]
  22. Wait. This is about religion?? Oh bother! Here we go again!
  23. Oooo! A "NOT" joke! As in: "the FBI is NOT ruling out terrorism".
  24. According to the police chief: "Burguan said earlier, "Obviously, at a minimum, we have a domestic-type, terrorist-type situation that occurred here." ...but what the fuck does he know? Has he read the Wikipedia entry for "terrorist" or "occurred"?
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