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Everything posted by counterfeitfake

  1. I get AIDS when I use mercury amalgams.
  2. Can you actually buy pink chalk somewhere?
  3. Yeah, I always thought the registration fields were kind of misleading too.
  4. Would you relax? You're acting like having your ideas questioned is a personal affront. Like we should believe anything you say on the topic just because you are a cancer survivor. You can't just say "cancer rates in the US are higher than elsewhere" and expect everyone to swallow it. Why don't you tell us what your research has turned up on this topic? If you know more about this than we do, then educate us.
  5. Man, where is catbirdseat when you need him?? You can't really have a glass of fluoride... fluoride is a negative ion that forms salts with positive ions. When it's in water it's part of a dissolved compound like sodium fluoride. To be clear, we are not talking about the element fluorine, which is a gas at room temperature and is indeed very toxic. The chemical properties of fluorine and fluoride are very different. Anyway, maybe you know something I don't, please educate me about the well-known toxicity of fluoride.
  6. Anyone who ever has anything bad happen to them wonders why, and often the second thought is "who can I blame?" This "fluoride is bad for you" is voodoo science. Just like power lines and cancer: no matter how many studies fail to find a correlation, some people will still believe the high voltage towers are why junior had to go through chemo.
  7. If that's your whole argument, I think it's incomplete. There are placements for zeros that won't take a ball nut. Placing a weak zero provides better pro than an unplaced ball nut.
  8. I'm still ignorant of why they're objectively inferior. Maybe you can educate me? It seems like one could argue that since they're easier to place, that's a point in their favor. After all your link says "Ball Nut placements by and large require careful study and attention when placing them". But I'm interested in learning more about Ball Nutz.
  9. What makes the Ball Nutz better in your opinion? Besides the breaking zeroes... I guess I can't doubt that you've heard of broken zeroes, although I haven't. How does a zero get broken? Ball Nutz seem kind of tricky to place.
  10. I propose we bomb both countries and name them Bombbombistan.
  11. Okay. Who besides doctors is qualified to give an opinion on whether children should be vaccinated?
  12. Totally! It's like how when you want to know how to fix your car you should talk to some horticulturists. It's good to get opinions from people who don't know what they're talking about, in addition to those who do.
  13. Can you show me something credible that disputes the benefits of the standard vaccines children in the US are given? Polio, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pneumonia, meningitis?
  14. YOU dont know that. long term studies on the effects of various vaccines on humans have not been completed yet. You... you are coming very close to just arbitrarily saying stuff. A random sentence generator.
  15. Aw c'mon... I know some other things about them. Like they talk a lot and like chocolate.
  16. And I thought it was common knowledge that this trick gets you in trouble sometimes?
  17. Doesn't really resolve anything- there are lots of climbing accidents that would make you an unhappy loser, you just climb thinking they probably aren't going to happen.
  18. The other day I was listening to a radio interview with a guy who was saying that kids these days seem to be having a genuine problem differentiating opinions and facts. He said the phrase "That's my opinion" is running amok. Then he related a story where some students saw a debate, and afterward one said "That wasn't a debate- there was no yelling! They didn't get excited!" Stating your opinion forcefully and passionately is not the same as making an argument.
  19. If the sperm donor would have worn a helmet, this conversation would not be taking place. that's lame. why do you assume this was an unplanned pregnancy? His statement doesn't require such an assumption.
  20. Do you understand that urine is not a health risk and feces are? I'm all for the sack-up-and-go attitude too, but you seem ignorant. Just wash your damn hands, people. The soap and water are RIGHT THERE.
  21. Everyone's a wannabe on every topic. Bienvenue a los internets.
  22. Why is everyone fucking up the quote tag these days?
  23. What is it with breast feeding? I don't think I've heard on any other topic such wide ranging, yet dumb, opinions.
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