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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. My date? Oh yeah, my "date". Old what's-his-name, that climber dude. I almost forgot about him.
  2. I refer to the evil military industrial complex that keeps me enslaved to a desk, a corporate whore by necessity, when my soul wants to be unchained!! Anyway, ahem, moving on, then.
  3. Fuck you, you fucking fuck! Whew, I feel better now. Drinks are on me.
  4. Me, myself, and I. The penultimate triumvirate. (In my own little world.)
  5. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once: "I may be fat, but you're ugly, and I can lose weight."
  6. Yeah, I think Chatter Creek worked out well--a perfect venue, actually. I'm just bummed I missed the keg on Friday night.
  7. knotzen

    Photo Caption

    The New American Sportsman
  8. knotzen

    Photo Caption

    Sport Climbers With Guns--When Clipping Bolts Just Isn't Enough
  9. Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Texas A&M University has invented a bra that keeps women's breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in. After a news conference announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the shit out of him.
  10. knotzen

    dead man anchors

    Finished watching it last night--"Japanese Story." I heartily don't recommend it. Turned out to be a sappy, uncredible romance. Unless you're really into deadman anchors!
  11. Most excellent news! I'll bop you one if you *don't* post a picture. Have you chosen an English name for her? I'm afraid your midnight yelling days--er, nights--will soon be over.
  12. Fred Meyer sells them, at the customer service desk, as do most sporting goods stores. You can search for other places here.
  13. OH, and Bug was there, too. With his nice friend, not-a-Bug. The yelling was sort of weird--it sounded sort of female for the first couple of hours, and then it sounded male. I can only wonder what sort of degenerate things were happening around the campfire.
  14. Oh, whew! Even if they didn't have any extra herbal flavorings.
  15. Hey, are you saying my brownies were hard? And I sincerely hope that won't be misinterpreted.
  16. Damn! It sounds like I went to bed too early.
  17. Yeah. I didn't mean to be too critical. Minx and Olyclimber did a lot lot lot beforehand, behind the scenes, and AlpineK spent hours setting up the camp site in the rain Sat. afternoon. Thanks for making it happen. ~kNOTzen
  18. I had to get back to town early Sunday, but Saturday it was mostly sunnyish and dry, with a few hours of downpour in the afternoon (snow up high, even in the Icicle). No rain all evening, and a brilliant blanket of stars in the middle of the night.
  19. Over my dead body! And you are much too nice to take me out, so it will NEVER HAPPEN!
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