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Posts posted by knotzen


    No, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be engaged at all times in a multi-disciplinary way while otherwise pressing in on more sanguine soliloquies...

    Whoa, dude. You're sounding like Dechristo! Talk plain English, yo.

  2. Bald=okay.


    Short=ugh, I hate to say it, that's a tough one for me. Are we perhaps genetically programmed on that one? I've tried to overlook the short, but really can't.


    I think much of what we look for in a partner is highly influenced by the society we live in, and some by biology. Not all, but quite a bit, I'd bet.

  3. You know what happened to my x-girlfriend?


    I married her!

    And I bet you she looks in your wallet every morning for cash, right?


    Oh wait, that would be in CBS's fantasy world...

  4. I can't quote specifics, but in the past I have read of studies that seem to show that males and females both tend to partner with people of the same socio-economic class/position. Who knows...


    All I know is, I know enough women who have made it on their own financially that it's not accurate to say all women look for wealthy men to partner with.


    OTOH, I know women who married right off and started having kids, and would find it very difficult, because of the path they took as young adults, to achieve the lifestyle they have as a married women w/ kids, on their own.

  5. I can't help but notice that whenever a discussion that might touch on something a guy fears comes from a female, guys immediately label that woman as angry. I don't see this happening to males.

    I think it's called "patronization."


    No, that's our brothel behavior.

    OK, then.

  6. I can't help but notice that whenever a discussion that might touch on something a guy fears comes from a female, guys immediately label that woman as angry. I don't see this happening to males.

    I think it's called "patronization."

  7. To the extent that men tend to accumulate wealth as they age, they become more and more attractive to women. The way their wallets bulge is considered quite beautiful. Now if they are a dirt bag climber, well...all bets are off, unless we're talking fame...

    Dude. You got it all wrong.

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