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Everything posted by sirwoofalot

  1. Oh that Harry Carry. Never heard of him before. But I thought it has Hank Stram and Jack Buck who did Monday Night Football on the radio. "Zorn looks down field, got a man open, complete to Largent, first down seahawks". the never ending monotone.
  2. I totally disagree. I do not beat my children. I have never had to. I think well behaved children have a healthy respect/fear of their parents. It is like fearing the police. my boys understand it is never my intention to harm them. However it is my intention to teach them that every action has a consequence. Generally there is a natural consequence and then their is a mom consequence. Usually that means they are grounded from something they really like. My boys understand with out a shadow of a doubt that mom is a supernatural being who will figure out if they are lying or have done something wrong. I have eyes in the back of my head and i can read minds. Dang me, don’t you know it! My mother knew when I was lying before I ever lied. The worst I ever felt was after my first year at UW when I was about to go on academic probation. I was talking to my Mother and she just said, “That’s ok, dear, we know you are doing your best.” OUCH! How did she know I was goofing off all of the time?
  3. The Double-Steal I have heard of it, never seen it and don't really care that much. Can-of-corn don't know what it is, and well, really don't care. Suicide Squeeze I know this one but never seen one pulled off. Pepper Games no idea A Right Fielder Throwing Out The Runner At First that might be cool to see, but not worth the time it will take sitting around to see it. The 93 Phillies who are they? Andre Dawson don't know don't care. Stealing Signs Cheating, just like the 02, and 07 pats. In-The-Park Home Run Like the R Fielder throwing out at 1st. A Perfect 4-6-3 Double Play ??? Over the Shoulder Catch does not turn my crank. so what he caught the ball while out of position. Why was he out of position to in the first place. Blocking The Plate Yes, home plate collissions are cool. Junkballers don't know. A 12 to 6 Curve ??? Harry Caray I think that is Hara Kiri. Hara is your guts, and Kiri is to cut. What it means is baseball? I have not the slightest clue. Streching a Single Into a Double yeah, and? Charlie Hustle don't know Julio Franco don't know Fungo Bats ?? Getting There Early For Batting Practice More wasted time. Plate Discipline ??? Strike 'Em Out Throw 'Em Out Double Play might be interesting. A Good Pick Off Move OK. You dropped the most important thing about Baseball. A photo of my son with the Mariners Moose when he was just 8 months old. that is about that only really good time I had at the ball park. Time with the family.
  4. To be sure my children do know there are consequences for their actions. When they were younger I had to impose those consequences, as they are getting older the consequences are much more self evident. When they do wrong that needs to be corrects, yes, they absolutely fear me and my coming home. After it is all over I am the one they run to for a hug. When they get hurt by others it is me who they come to. I, too, feared my parents and loved them at the same time. My point is fear and love can go together, they do not have to be separated. An abusive Father that is only feared, and where consequences are handed out indiscriminately and no love in the house; yes that situation is where fear leads to hate; BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. Fear and love can coexist.
  5. I can't fear what I love. And fear leads to hate of what you fear so if you fear something now but don't hate it, eventually you will. Parents. When you did something wrong as a child your feared your parents, especially after they found out. Nope. so, what are you the perfect angel? or the undisciplined child? I can say it is normal for a child for fear their parents and yet love them at the same time, and still never have the fear turn into hate. If you never got to expierence that then I do feel sorry for you.
  6. I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out.
  7. Sorry, professional sports? one big waste of time. Why even bother?
  8. I can't fear what I love. And fear leads to hate of what you fear so if you fear something now but don't hate it, eventually you will. Parents. When you did something wrong as a child your feared your parents, especially after they found out. Yet you still loved them and I am sure that fear never turned into hate. Yes, you can fear and love someone at that same time. No, it does not have to lead into hate either.
  9. I have only ever hated a person whom I had, at one time, loved. Yes, but in time you can get to love that person again, if you choose. I think we need to take a step back an look at the differant levels of "love". In the greek language there are many differant words that can be only be translated into English as Love. the three most common are Philios which is a brotherly love, Eros a sexual love between a man and a women, and Agape love which is an undeserving love such as Gods love for us. You may have loved a person at one time, married, growne to hate them, devorice, and then, in time learned to love them all over again. That is Erose them and choose to Philious them later in life.
  10. I smoked marijuana once. But I didn't like it. And I didn't inhale... Yeah, right, oh what did you say your name was? Bill C? Bahahaha! Keep on saying it, you MIGHT get someone to really belive you some day.
  11. I will take you up on that challenge provided you are paying.
  12. SWFA wins! the rest of you can take your pushups/pull ups/chin ups and have fun. i'm hangin w/the guy who can pull the best pork. and trash, you can't bench press me. The pull pork is a once a year adventure. My wife works up the dry rub, and I do the cooking and pulling of the pork butt, and I make the souse and the home made Kaiser Rolls. She makes the slaw and potato(e) (with quail eggs) salad.
  13. Pfff well my god has super powers. what now?! mk, but would you mind if we switched to a bong? pipes suck :\ I got you all beat. My GOD made, and created all of your gods and can make any of your gods do anything that my GOD wants. So there; stuff that in your pipe and smoke it! um dood we switched to bongs... Ok, in your bong, as long as you use hot water.
  14. My current routine is 28 upper body weight exercises; with military, incline, and bench press at the end, the finish off with pushups. I'm really lucky to crank out, like, 15 by that time. This is the last day of this training period, then my routine changes. You might try your crunches and push ups before you run (after a brief warm up). You'll get a better strength work out when you're fresh, and your strength work out won't affect your aerobic training much. Yeah, I have been thinking of doing just that. I normally warm up with 20 squats, 20 lunges with each leg forward (making sure the knees never go beyond the toe, and never breaking a 90 degree bend at that knee.) Then I do some moderate twisting, turning, and streaking before I start to run. I just hate to stop running once I start. Getting started again just sucks. Push up and crunches are really my only strengthening part of my work out. Oh, I got it, I can concentrate on doing push up, squats, lunges, crunches every other day, and run less, and on the other days work more on the cardio, running, and less on the strengthening. (I need to put up a chin-up/pull-up bar) Thanks for the inspiration.
  15. I disagree. Fear is not love or hate. It is something completely different. You can Love and Fear someone, or you can Hate in Fear someone, or you can fear a person with out either love or hate.
  16. How many pushups can you do? I think my best in the past 12 months was 35 or so. I used to do sets of 20, 5 sets minimum. I can't do that now but I think if I work at it I can get back there soon. Don't know. I've been doing em at the end of the WO. I'd have to start fresh to figure that out. sorry, I was composing when this was submitted. OK, how many at the end of the work out. I usually run and then do the crunchs and push ups.
  17. Well, go boink out a few babies. I carried my son up Pratt Mt. and to the pass between Red adn Lundin, twice. Mt. Sewer Let me think. That is all for him. I carried my Daughter up Silver, she hiked it he next time. And both my son and daught to numerous lakes. so, how many push ups can you do?
  18. How many pushups can you do? I think my best in the past 12 months was 35 or so. I used to do sets of 20, 5 sets minimum. I can't do that now but I think if I work at it I can get back there soon.
  19. One time in January I post holed all the way to Muir. Puke!
  20. I can eat more squid than you! Bar-B-Que Steamed in a cream garlic pasta sause on a pizza with a miso base sause
  21. OK, crunches. not all the way. yes, you save the back!
  22. Nope, Muff’s muff would be something, this is nothing, and you can’t talk about something when you are talking about nothing. Know any pirate songs?
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