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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. A twenty foot fall onto your head would probably break your neck anyway. I like to pack stuff in me helmet but it is still a pain in the ass to stuff it in my pack. I like the foldable idea, if it is lighter.

  2. There used to be a guy that packed a cross around in Victoria downtown all the time. He wore the bottom out and it got shorter and shorter. Someone tried to get him to allow advertising on it but he told them to fuck off. Finally he put a caster on it but casters are aid and the guy finally disappeared but he didn't dome back so I figure he was'nt Jebus

  3. Mountains of My Life by Bonnatti is a great read I think I have run through it three times. Also, The Price of Conquest, by Lino Lacedelli is another viewpoint of the K2 scandal.


    Not mountaineering but really superb reading are the Aubrey/Maturin series written by Patrick O'Brian. If you enjoy British Royal Navy historical war. There are twenty in all and well worth reading.

  4. Should be linched with the same rope they used on Saddam


    I'm not sure how it is in Canada, but down here we have these things called trials - and the accused must be convicted of something before they're punished. The fact that you suggest lynching (note the correct spelling, dip shit) leaves me wondering exactly what kind of justice a man or woman would find in your version of utopia.


    At least you agree that he should stand trial...you may be less deluded than I thought. I think it may be time for you to go find your happy place again. Truth and the real world seem to be encroaching again, dipshit. :laf:

  5. Nonsense, why just the other day I was able to pick nearly a kilo of them right in the middle of a logging road, I believe a bear may have picked them first though.

  6. Had a great time in Portland. We met the expected interesting people at the hostel, got no sleep there which was pretty well expected as well. Booked out of there. We used the print out form here and nailed many of the recommendations.

    Stumptown was very very good. We hit three of them and spent some time in the tasting room chatting with the guys in there. bought beans. Powell's IS fucking huge and we could easily have spent a week in there. Bought books.

    The Eco trust building is a very cool building and Patagonia just happened to be blowing out all last years stuff at only slightly exorbitant prices which we still could not afford. Found Next Adventure and bought a new stove and snow boarding pants. Ate well and had a good time. We headed out and blitzed through to Leavenworth and crashed up icicles rd. and then cruised up through Winthrop and crashed at the blue lake trailhead and the headed home. It has been a while since we have been able to just trip along and do whatever we felt like. Thanks again for the tips. Had a blast.


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