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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. 7k after taxes etc.

    There is no duty because the Xterra is built in Tennesee, (by Koreans) If you have the paperwork sorted out before you get the border it takes ten minutes to go through the border. It is quite easy. If you are interested I can help you out. Wait a few days and the dollar will be much more valuable than the U.S. peso..er dollar


    But that story is from FoxNews. Therefore, it must be fake and disregarded by all liberals.


    Hilary is pure as the driven snow, and completely ethical and law-abiding. Not like BushCo, Cheney and Haliburton! Republican and Bush = evil, failure. Democrat and Hilary = angelic, success!




    Lets see George and his fucking cronies return this



  3. i will be in portland from sept. 17th through the 27th and i will be climbing at beacon alot, why don't you come on down so you can call me a fuck tard to my face so at least you know who your calling a fucking retard.


    Make sure you hit Stumptown coffee!!!

  4. It seems to me that you should split the US into two countries.

    One in the south and one in the north. Then you could choose which one to live in. The one in the south could be run by the bush family and the one in the north could be run with someone with brains.

  5. If you were to lose your rights as a citizen, what would you be?



    looks like the fighters are 1% up on all seperatist. if we don't stand as one will lose.


    this is the united states of america, not the divided.


    remember what our fore fathers fought for, don't let it be a wasted effort.


    History has proven time and time again that when shit hits the fan in the big cities of the "united" states things fall apart pretty fast. You would be shooting each other within 24 hours.

  6. No amount of weapons can stand against the strong will of people. Viet Nam or Iraq are quite recent examples. What you need to wonder about is how far will the people go to fight for whatever they have to fight for? My guess is not very far. There are no suicide bomber types amongst you. If you are depending on just the puny strength of arms you are fucked.


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