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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. I had a pair of the mountains, (the blue ones) I bought athem at climb max, last year, used them once on grippy rock, they were like glue, but the soles disintegrated, I sent them back to Madrock and they treated me well, they said that there was a problem with the compound in production. I sent them back and they sent me a pair of the alpinist, (the red ones) which are identical in every way except they have a 5 mm closed cell insulation instead of 3 mm and so are a little warmer. I used them this winter about four times in snow and found them to be very light, very comfortable, stiff and warm. I used them this last weekend on trails and rock in torrential rain and they were comfortable and very waterproof. I have stood in water up to my ankles for minutes and have felt nothing trickle through.

    I like them a lot. I think the downside of them is that they will be hard to have resoled, I may be wrong about that. The blue ones are less stiff.

  2. Just revealing what little knowledge these guys have about something they continually spew forth on. I have to say, it was remarkably easy. It makes me wonder what other half truths they believe as gospel. They appear to be quite bright but are just misguided.

  3. Ya I know that, but when you've got a BC health care card in your pocket, it,s like a no limit credit card. Last year it was the Yucatan for some R&R and a couple of sessions of back massage therapy. I had to pay a bit out my own pocket to get a beach front room though. Which sucks.

  4. I was camping around Twisp a couple of weeks ago. Got into the campground late had a campfire so big it scorched the side of my jeep fifteen feet away. Managed to get up and leave early enough to dodge the campground nazi..was down there for five days spent a total of about 120 bucks (US no less). It doesn't matter how much money I spent though because my doctor told me I needed a break so my health care covers it.

  5. Come listen to my story bout a man named Jeb. He was an old mountaineer barely kept his family fed. Then one day while shootin' at some food, up from the ground came a bubblin' crude.

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