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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. No. That's a vasectomy. For instance, I shoot blanks but still roam and sniff.


    The technical term for neuter surgery is orchidectomy.

    The surgery is also called castration.

    Neuter surgery removes the testes.


    So if you have a couple kids and decide that's enough. Don't ask the doctor to nueter you.

    On the other hand, I highly recommend getting a vasectomy.


    if it was Seahawks you should also neuter the kids

  2. How could you not like all that sex, drugs and real honest to goodness Rock and Roll.It was the dawning of a new age. Vietnam war protests, kill the pigs, the Chicago seven trial, yippies, draft dodging teachers. It was an unbelievable time in history.

    School sucked though.


  3. Just like Bush getting elected showed everyone that a C student can be President if they are connected enough.


    Kerry was a C student too. :wave:


    BTW, I graduated magna cum laude from the UC system, do you want me to be your next president? :grlaf:


    Nobody believes you. So shut the fuck up.

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