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Everything posted by whistlepunk

  1. Any of you ever watch a liposuction being performed? I've seen it on TV. That'll stop your burger consumption for awhile.
  2. Do you actually believe Bush gives a damn about our energy problems? He's all about his wallet.
  3. Full size SUV and Ford F350 sales are booming. Whuzzamatta with that picture?
  4. Even the high gas prices haven't slowed down the Ugly American. I predict we'll rock till we drop.
  5. FF Helios down coat w/Epic (16oz). If stationary and it's wet out, I throw on some Goretex over it. I've never had wet down yet.
  6. I'm amazed any but the largest companies make it in this niche market. Look at Cascade Crags... I hear they're eliminating the gear shop because they can't compete. Let's hope PMS will survive.
  7. I heard somewhere the other day that in America we can expect an onslaught of hurricanes and nasty windstorms form here on out due to climatic changes/global warming. The landscape of Florida as we know it may be laid barren in the not to distant future.
  8. Every body is different dude. Try that combo and if it works, you're phat. If it sucks, try something else. It appears you're on the right road.
  9. I prefer blonds.
  10. The downside to the Prius or Civic hybrids are that they aren't anything close to babe magnets. So you small guys that use big rigs or sporty cars to boost your image should steer away.
  11. I'm financially able to drive reasonably priced new cars and trucks. What else am I going to do with the money? Leave it to my kids? hehehe
  12. School students have been armed at times since guns were invented. We just didn't hear about it because the media had yet to catch up on sensationalism.
  13. I've been in some nasty wind and rain in my Arcteryx Theta SL (Paclite and XCR). It breathes pretty damn well, but I'm careful not to wear too much under while on the move.
  14. Is Dru gay? That's cool if he is, but it's gettin' to be pretty passe these days.
  15. connection
  16. Well ain't we special? It's a sickness dude; no different than alcoholism. You're obviously not married or in a relationship.
  17. The wear gives them character and makes you look like a hardman.
  18. I'm sorry to hear that, but he should not have left his gun unattended, especially around strangers. He was not prepared, and was in fact, negligent. Fools abound.
  19. Suit yourself. The brutal truth is that you are ultimately responsible for your own protection. The reality that self-protection is primarily the responsibility of the individual is one of the reasons that the founding fathers of this country included in the Bill of Rights an amendment that reaffirms the inalienable right of the people to "keep and bear arms." I hope you'll never be a victim, tough guy.
  20. You say the police can "handle it"... ha, that's a major stretch. You're obviously living in a dream world lad. We live in troubled times and only a fool would put is life in the hands of the police. Those of us that live in the country can expect the police to arrive anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes from the 911 call. Just the other day a motorist was murdered and dumped from his "jacked" car in Seattle. If he'd of had a gun and the skills to address the car jacker, he'd no doubt be alive today. Bottom Line - You are a victim waiting to happen.
  21. Goat, interesting post, although your "bottom line" reinforces your ignorance and meatballism. Bone up and get back with us when you have a concrete thought worthy to share.
  22. Don't flatter yourself MrMo. I was commenting on Catbird's hardliner anti-gun rhetoric.
  23. I won't attempt to argue the gun issue. Some of you hate guns so much you can't look at them rationally. That's cool if you want to be reactionary and one-dimensional. Not my bag though. If trebuchets are outlawed, only outlaws will have trebuchets.
  24. The weapon of choice isn't important. It's just the tool. The insane maniac that pulls the trigger or stabs someone is the problem.
  25. A man can't have too many guns goddamnit. Seein as how you weren't there, I don't put much stock in your rant. Carry on though. This is America where we can raise hell and shoot whoever we want. 5 for murder less 2 for good behavior.
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