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Everything posted by cynicalwoodsman

  1. I've bummed around this site for almost 8 years yet almost never climb. Suddenly a gtr thread appears and I'm on my way to poobah status and playing more than I have in years. Go figure. Thanks for getting me off the couch, boys. It's good therapy. Long live the guitar thread!
  2. 100 clams? Damn that's a lotta money. I don't even play tennis!
  3. Whoa look at all that. That's a lotta stompin'!
  4. I got a pair of purple canvas low top Vans at a flea market in Denver in '96. They're awesome box stompers.
  5. Which whoeverovski is haulin' the booze?
  6. All I need is a cool buzz, a tasty thread, 'n I'm fine! Damn this is good stuff. I just popped some corn, put on another pot o' joe, 'n I'm gonna take in the new year by getting pie-eyed and e-surfing til you west-coasters wake up 'n keep this thing goin'! C'mon Meh'N! I can't answer either of those questions so I stay pinned down on the couch. Glaciers, dude? You'll poke yer eye out! And you'll never make it back in time for happy hour. That ain't livin'! I'd rather crawl thru glass on my bare knees and elbows than deal with 100% objective hazard and 0 climbing. To me, seeing the inside of a big yawner is like seein' a griz in the backcountry or maybe a tornado... for a second it seems like a cool idea. But really? Falling into AND climbing out of a crevasse... on Ranier... that sounds like a hoot. 3 words: Hel Met Cam. You'd be WELL-advised to learn yerself somthin' about the differences between runnin' up a sierra or basin and range 14er, and a cascadian glacier slog.... PARTICULARLY THE MOST GLACIATED TERRAIN IN THE LOWER '48, dumbass. MarmotPrince... that sounds like some sorta disney cartoon. But all digression aside, if you'da come in here 'n asked for advice... and not so eagerly bitten the hands that would'a prolly offered to take you up the hill (it happens... all the time) and bestow upon you more knowlege than 80% of every other poser on the slog that day, then you'd not have so briskly offered yourself up as fodder in here and been so quick to take your place in the long gray line of incessant ignorance. Somebody should link one of the many prior similarly-launched threads that lived happily ever after for many-a-former prince. What's his name... that one dude... C.H.? But hay man, I got a lid to keep burnin, the mummer's ain't on the tube in cleveland... I can't plug in my les paul til everyone's awake, and football ain't on for several hours so this is good stuff! keep it comin, boys. Keep it comin'
  7. Maybe a li'l rough, but dude ur feelin' it there a few times. It's always one or the other, eh'... note for note but cold, or a few rough spots yet nice 'n warm? I prefer the latter.
  8. Hey, but ain't that pretty! And breezy! Keep 'em comin', boys! I gotta figure out how to get my stuff off my zoom mrs-8 recorder (sd card). This stuff is makin' me wanna plug in. So I'm gonna plug in! Awesome!
  9. The Jackson is #731 of only 1000. They all got crazy paint. It's got a mini toggle that switches the tone knob into a wah. It's pretty friggin' cool. My research tells me it's the first US-made bolt-on available outside their custom shop. It's got neck binding, 24 frets, M.O.P. shark inlays, nice flat ebony board, real deal floyd rose, 'n it's faster than greased lighting. I drown it with heavy distortion and a bunch of delay and it's the perfect toy I always wanted when I'm feelin' the 80's and just wanna wank with it (It gives me an excuse to use all the prosessers and stomp boxes I don't need with my les paul, which only needs to be plugged in... a little 'verb... u know). The Jackson is up for sale/trade. Got a bro'deal? I need new ice boots 'n 'pons. Maybe a set of halfies. I'm size 12. Scarpa's fit real good. Just sayin'. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
  10. That looks like a solid top, yeah?
  11. Almost forgot... '92 Gibson L.P. Studio. Cool thread!
  12. '91 Jackson USA fusion; '82 Fender Superchamp; '68 Fender Dual Showman; '2006? Seagul S6 GT; homemade EV-TL cabs wit 300 W (vintage) 8 ohm EVM12L's.
  13. "Adams, Hood, and Shasta (I think...someone correct me):" Jefferson is south beyond Hood, eh? Killer pics!
  14. :noway: Yeah how'bout it. The things ya gotta do to get a job these days. I'm hoping to end my abstinence soon. I'm spending too much money on beer.
  15. Got a job(finally)wrenchin' on bikes here in cleveland and have my 'yota back: goals one and two met. Have applications & resumes submitted throughout the PNW. Relationship is a little better. And yes, tango takes two. 2 months sans herb. But now drinking too much... which is what led to my origianal rant. I was hammered, bitter, and angry. Got 10 days of local ice this season. Met and climbed with many good people here in Clev. Got new points for my switchblades. Remind me to buy that guy a beer when I roll thru SLC. Tried leashless again, but I will remain leashed. I just don't have the guns. My apologies and thanks to those who gave me what I was unknowingly in need of. Will keep posting for myself and for more of the same. I know it's coming. Bring it on. RuMR, sticks and stones you POS. Lets get a beer. I'll let you know when I head to the NEW and the RED this spring. Your move. Climb like you spray. -CW
  16. Central PA. Rugged trails abound around Pine Creek. Black Forest Trail has several 1000'+ climbs. Great vistas too. WV has some pretty big hills.
  17. cynicalwoodsman


    As if you matter.
  18. cynicalwoodsman


    Who said anything about modern tools? How annoyingly assuming!!!
  19. cynicalwoodsman


    WOLVERINE'S! I almost posted that! TOo funny!
  20. cynicalwoodsman


    It's time to learn to field-dress game and what plants to eat. Extended camping trip, anyone? Are marmots good eatin'? Can't we homestead wilderness when the nation falls? No more government, banks, insurance companies, cops, petrol, taxes, utility bills, drug laws, potholes, politicians, traffic, or alarm clocks? What's the catch?
  21. Holy STOKE, Batman!
  22. Feelin' better. It wasn't my technique. It was old and gone f'points.
  23. "I'm so pumped!" Yeah me too... 'n all I did was watch! Somebody buy that man a beer!
  24. COOL STORY! I emailed the folks that made my dinosaur 'pons in hopes of some chance they'd maybe still have some fresh points for them. Dude got right back to me, told me they still (somehow) had a set and put 'em in the mail inside the hour... all for just my address and a beer next time I swing through town! I got them quick and couldn't wait to commence with the transplant. Before gettin' crazy with the wrench, I eye-balled them next to the old ones, and I realized I'd had no idea how much I'd shaved off the the old points over the years. I need to LEAVE THE FILE ALONE for a while. I'm headin' out tomorrow with some local folks to try 'em out on some local ice. I'm hoping they help! Shweet!
  25. I hereby declare, publicly, the title, "Into The Pickets" be my own original work, and henceforth shall not be considered in the public domain. © 2011 cynicalwoodsman ManAmongst, wear sunscreen, stay dry, warm, fed, and rested. Make out a last will and testament. Tell your friends you love them. But TRUST ME on the vidcam tracking device!
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