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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. alien cams: strong as tinsel.
  2. little wing seemed like 5.8, but every single move was 5.8. it's easier than jill's, harder than cruisin. seems right to me. Then again, I've seen folks get absolutely spanked on it. Interestingly I've found smith (tuff) to be hard coming from beacon, beacon hard coming from smith.
  3. by the beard of zeus that is a good TR
  4. oh yeah? but you smell! bam! don't even try to come back from that one.
  5. incorrect.
  6. first one's king lear.
  7. face!
  8. yeah carl, and and...you suck too! take that!
  9. spokane is the city of love
  10. WTF not even close
  11. hardman in the houuuusssee
  12. maybe they'd offer to polish your protractor if you know what I mean
  13. Cobra_Commander


    took you awhile to come up with that masterpiece, eh?
  14. but it clearly was received by those for whom it was intended
  15. Cobra_Commander


    if by "pie" you mean "the matriarch of your family" then I won a piece of it.
  16. that might be going a bit far.
  17. I wonder where that could be
  18. this last one takes this thread over the top. now just a few posts from pope and cpt.cave to kick it off the edge.
  19. To those new, it pays to master the subtle-but-not-so-subtle chestbeat. It is a delicate balance because you want to avoid being accused of such, but at the same time you can leave no doubt that you are the muthafukin man. So for example when someone posts a TR about some difficult line, your response should be, "Great line, isn't it?" or something to that extent. This makes it clear that you have climbed said line before the person, yet you have ammunition in case someone accuses you of an attempted stealth cheastbeat. This can backfire if the line isn't that great. The possibilities are really endless.
  20. it's amazing people still drive by renton though!
  21. I'm not advocating anything
  22. not sure which you are referring to, but climbing in the gym with foam is not progression
  23. I love the top-secret-new-proj-hush-hush stuff whispered round here too, 'cause the masses are going to descend on it otherwise
  24. pdx ice festival?
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