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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. okay I'm back
  2. I think you have 3 minutes, 4 seconds with a little practice and motivation it doesn't take that long to pop corn.
  3. I yield to the superior taste buds of those who can tell nacho from taco jelly bellies, and to their iron-clad bellies.
  4. now that's a synonym for vomit
  5. is that a synonym for vomit? There is a rare bacterium found only on the sugary shell of jelly beans known as c. jellybelli
  6. 'cuse me I'll be back in 2 minutes
  7. I believe the plural is jellybelli
  8. I went to the wrong school
  9. aaaahhhhhahaha
  10. yes but the gremlin...she likes the gremlin.
  11. Hay, don't be changing my artfully-designed text around! Isn't the male college cheerleading squad where the french horn players from high school band wind up?
  12. welcome to my life - girlz! keep it down! (too much espresso this morning)
  13. hahaha I got the immature joky in before rotating skull boy did.
  14. good lord woman are you still talking popcorn?
  15. You can never have too much FD&C shopping mall flavor #2. You can also find it in Cinnabon muffins and Orange Juliuses (julii?)
  16. That may well be, but my little misspell garnered me a hot 70's chick who digs crappy cheap cars. Goggle always pays off!
  17. They have a strange appeal to me. Kind of like eating a shopping mall. A little shopping mall in your mouth.
  18. aww, how sweet of you!
  19. eat it raw then go sit up on a cell tower
  20. take the shit out of your microwave before putting the popcorn in
  21. Cobra_Commander


    Guy1: heh i met this chick online who had laser eye surgery today, she lives in California Guy2: and? Guy1: and there was also an earthquake in california today
  22. All I got from google was this
  24. AHH THE AGONY!!!
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