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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. A CEO, Teabagger & an Union member are sitting around a table. On the table is a plate of 12 cookies. The CEO grabs 11 of them, then looks at the Teabagger and says "are you going to let them take that from you".....
  2. Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE Salary of House/Senate .......................$174,000 FOR LIFE Salary of Speaker of the House ............$223,500 FOR LIFE Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ...... $193,400 FOR LIFE ...Average Salary of a teacher ................ $40,065 Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN $38,000 I think we found where the cuts should be made!
  3. No truer words have been spoken.
  4. They are necessary for some and not for others.
  5. Thanks for telling me what I think......
  6. Why even post about anything?
  7. Who said they were unnecessary?
  8. The first time I climbed YW's there were no bolted anchors. Same thing with Blownout. No bolted anchors.
  9. Should we add you did this against the wishes of the FA?
  10. This coming from a guy who has "replaced" more bolts than anyone I know. "isn't it ironic....don't you think"?
  11. Bolt it and they will come.
  12. kevbone

    Double Dip

    You guys have it all wrong....its not Republican against Democrats.....its Washington against us. They are one.
  13. The great thing about this climb is you can drive almost to the base. The approach is only about 45 minutes. You can park about 50 down the road from the carrins/ trail head, or about 500 feet if that one spot is taken. Note....find the trail head before dark the night before if you are camping. It was not easy for me to find.
  14. kevbone


    You want to say hi to her.....wait a minute let me go get her...
  15. kevbone


    was great last night.
  16. Approach is 45 minutes if you are in-shape. 60 if you are not. You should simul the first six pitches in one up to the huge ledge. When you get to the 5.0 section..... veer to your right. Be prepared to downclimb sketchy 5.0 or you can rap/downclimb off bushes and branches. There is a 250 rappel. Have fun. This is a classic climb.
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