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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    So.....at least I am bold enough to admit who I will be voting for....will you guys be bold with me? Who will you vote for? Come on now....speak up so I can slam you for your opinion.
  2. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    "The FDA, EPA and other agencies are compromised and unless you know of a candidate (congress as well) that will ACTUALLY work to repair them they are more harmful than good. Big money owns them and populates them with their people. Noticed the lack of white collar crime prosecutions lately? And noticed that agencies like the FDA and EPA seem far more interested in harassing independent farmers than Monsanto? I would love to see them fixed, but that isn't in the cards. So I think right now the answer is to toss the ring back into the fires of Mt Doom and start over. In the meantime the less corrupt states will have to takeover fora bit."
  3. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    One could say that about you as well.
  4. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    So who is your candidate you are voting for? Come on....speak up.
  5. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Lets look at all the other candidates currently running.... All voted for war and the patriot act. FAIL
  6. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    "He has started out below the mainstream candidates, but I suspect as they all imploded one after the other with outbursts of stupid, mean, corrupt and scandal - and as people began to hear about him through word of mouth rather than the press - his numbers just kept growing. His number growth isn't up and down like the made for TV candidates. A win in Iowa will force people to look into him. Now is a critical time for him, because since the Media can't ignore him they will switch on the slander machine. The predictable attempts are going to be to call him a racist, which are going to backfire horribly if they do. His voting record and speeches make it pretty clear is less of a racist than even Obama. Going to be an interesting year in politics... I predict election fraud, massive media assaults, and possibly even a gunshot coming from all of this. Obama is going to need to come to Jesus about who he answers to, because a RP run either as GOP or Indy is going to create a harsh contrast and make a lot of Obama supporters question their candidate when a Republican is sounding more liberal than he is." - Davin
  7. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Kind of like your Obama worship?
  8. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    You must have not read much about him, then. Do you only get your news from youtube? everyone else knows more about Paul than you do Just in case you did not read my "entire" post. Actions speak louder than words.
  9. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    I have read nothing to indicate he has racist skeletons. But I usually don't go on what people say (like Obama, he lost me along time ago)....only on what they do. Actions speak louder than words.
  10. So do I.....it should be banned.
  11. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Current Iowa Poll: Paul 52% Romney 28% Perry 7%
  12. Near Mt. Hood? You guys should check out the new climbing gym in downtown Vancouver. It is allot of character. http://www.sourceclimbing.com/
  13. Fixed that for ya. Except my BSC ex... Someones holding a grudge?
  14. Agreed. My point is the left will paint a picture that the right raised our taxes. Bad for the right. In terms of perception.
  15. Vulture Vision. Welcome to the site...... That video is hilarious. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Tax raise, tax cut....blah blah blah...at the end of the day it still means our taxes will go up (or back up). Still not a Republican/conservative view. One would think the Republicans are kind of shooting themselves in the foot on this one.
  17. Nope...this is mean.
  18. Why? Do you want to pay more taxes? We have to pay for all the shit we are spending money on above and beyond tax revenues, somehow, boner. Agreed. But knowingly raising taxes is not generally a conservative view.
  19. Why? Do you want to pay more taxes?
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