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About vwfanatic96

  • Birthday 06/11/1987


  • Location
    Bremerton, Washington

vwfanatic96's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. WA Pass Beckey Route on Liberty Bell? or maybe.... Darrington?
  2. Whats the approach like to the Beckey Route? Sonw? Length? thanks
  3. yeah, there's weather, rock fall, cramps, etc. uncontraollable factors that matter in both solo and team climbing but with a rope you most likely will be ok. solo...maybe but doubtful.
  4. The very poor topo attached above is the only "Picture" i have. sorry.
  5. Sorry i had the route name mistaken, it is Bad Pants Party. is is in Squamish in the South Apron Gully the move in question is the last bolt before the tree ledge with the chain wrapped around the tree. i have been told that it might be height dependant as well as sandbagged? but still not positive i took the correct path.
  6. Anyone done it? .10b South Gully (by Apron) starts down and right a little ways of Rock On. at the last bolt (see poorly drawn topo attached) does it go straight up over slab bulge w/ almost no holds or does it cut straight out right? i did this route on Sat. just going by memory of what i had glanced at in the new (McLane) guide. got to that last bolt and it seemed way hard and i wasn't sure if i should of gone straight up through those hard bulge moves or cut over off to the right. if anyone knows i'd appreciate the beta and/or a topo would be awsome. good route either way (a little dirty though) thanks
  7. you can camp out on the spit (off of dirt roads behind the Save On Grocery store) for free, and you wake up to an amazing view. just over 5 minutes from the chief parking lot.
  8. You should be able to get someone who knows there stuff if you shop at any of the 3 Vertical World pro-shops (Bremerton, Seattle, & Redmond). they might not have the largest selection but they'll probably know what they're talking about.
  9. Beautiful on Sunday. Packed parking lot too.
  10. Also on Oct. 22nd ABS Comp. at WildWalls in Spokane http://www.rockcomps.com/rockcomps/comps/event_details.cfm?id=1116
  11. I was in Leavenworth last Fri. and did Damnation. Much harder then I expected but still an awsome climb. In the widest part of the chimney once you get up a little ways I believe you can get a purple TCU or green Alien ( can't remember exactly) on the wall behind you, then a few moves after that a sketchy grey TCU on the wall facing you then 2 more moves and a solid .75 Camalot.
  12. I was up there 3 weeks ago. and it was open, and charging. also it wasn't too full probably due to the predicted bad weather, but i still got in a weeks worth of climbing.
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