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Everything posted by kenp

  1. Mt. Forgotten, decent scramble with cool view.
  2. stopper :#7&8 hex:#7 (2), #9(2), #11 Wired #10 hex, #9, $5, #3 #2 stopper set of HB micromates (5) 1.5, 1.0, .5, 0 & .00 16 mixed biners 2 lockers pair of jumar's (new) chalk bags padded gear slings hardware new & used .... make me an offer!
  3. very cool trip! holy shit if you were old nuff to drink I'd buy you all a round or two..I thought I was cool in the 70's to do half of that trip. you dudes rocked it!
  4. still available?
  5. ok ok I know I haven't been on in a long while but now back.... I have a Trango harness (used but still safe) and a new pair of mad rock slippers that my 11 yo has outgrown, would love to trade for a helmet or any kid stuff pics or descriptions upon request! will mail if needed! Ken 206 525-8336
  6. kenp

    kids stuff

    yo folks, my son has outgrown both so we're looking to trade up or sell a Trango Apache harness and a pair of sz 5 Mad Rock slippers. the shoes are "like new" and the harness is in excellent condition. thanks, Ken (206)525-8336 Seattle
  7. kenp

    shoes & harness

    yo folks, my son has outgrown both so we're looking to trade up or sell a Trango Apache harness and a pair of sz 5 Mad Rock slippers. the shoes are "like new" and the harness is in excellent condition. thanks, Ken (206)525-8336 Seattle
  8. pm sent
  9. kenp


    I have a Trango that my monkey has grown out of...make you a deal if you still need one
  10. thwo pairs should be enough!
  11. very good point porter. I was deeply impressed that so many were willing to help in this situation and I hope for a speedy recovery for the dude. and yes spotly, these were two different incidents.
  12. interested in a trade? I have a new pair of Jumars???
  13. I was at Muir that morning and spoke with the fellow that came running down first. He stated that the three of them were roped and that each person on the end ran in different directions when the rock was falling toward them and that the middle man had no where to go and got smacked. that being tragic enough I am wondering how others feel about this question: once the alert had been received, I thought it took an extremily l o n g time to mount the 'rescue' team. there wasn't a ranger at Muir at that time so one of the guides assume control. I know there was a team of three ready to travel (fully equiped with climbing & at least a basic first aide kit) but they were called back so everyone could get "organised". it was well into the 40th minute before the first team left Muir for the 10 minute walk to the accindent scene. In my own opinon I thought a small, fast team should have gone accross with a first aid kit and radio to evaluate and report to the support team. there was plenty of qualified and willing personal standing around waiting for what?? now I'm not saying anything was done wrong, I just think (and speaking from experience) that it took a long time to get going. Even amoung my team, we disagreed as to how to handle the response.
  14. there are some nice spots near the river...all dry camps but fires are cool
  15. Hi, We are interested in #17 Ladies Moonstone green soft shell and #34 Green OR hat. We live near Greenlake. If we could meet Wed or Thur that would be great. Please call 206.525.8336. Thanks!
  16. hey y'all, I have been thinking on this and was seduced by the price...I really do need something a couple sizes bigger. so I'm dropping out of the race
  17. hey, I'll call you to check these out before your trip. how does this afternoon/evening sound?
  18. so I really need a pair of boots, I recently bought another pair here on the yard sale but they weren't right. I want a plastic shell but I just don't know if 11''s will fit. maybe with a thinner liner? let me know if you still have these and maybe we can hook up for a fitting session. Do you still have your parakets?
  19. whats up dude? do you still have these...not sure I can fit into 11's but I need boots NOW.
  20. I am very sad to say that my hero, Dick McGowan has passed away. Dick started me on the mountaineering path in the mid-70's. I went to school with his son (Rick) and we became great friends. I spent many, many hours in the family living room viewing expedition slides that Dick had taken from all around the world. I always wanted to be like him but never became the climber I dreamed of. But I am so very glad he thought I was worth his time and effort to mentor. The love of the outdoors he showed me I have passed on to my own children, now all grown and I hope they will pass it on to my future grand children. I know there will be a better obiturary done (Wenatchee World) and I know it won't be able to capture what this man has meant to me all my life.
  21. I have a couple of Ultimate helmets (one is in near new condition) and a wood handle ice hammer. Also an old timer canvas frame pack and a gold line rope. probably more in boxes too. let me know if you are interested
  22. pm sent for harness
  23. kenp

    OR Alpine Bivy

    bivy sac still available? did you take Couloir's suggestion?
  24. I have one also, I'd be glad to help you climb/cut down any evil tree let me know, Ken in Seattle
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