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Everything posted by luwayo

  1. bought nissan @ MEC ~2002. external is plastic. <500ml i think. most favoured one i own. still not corroded inside. would buy another if i could locate. superdooper light. regardless, must get the hello kitty stickers! they go on ppl's unsuspecting tools.
  2. luwayo


    one of your pals had to baby-sit 20 grade 9ers-11s in the alpine. he thought it'd be a no brainer. but he got spanked
  3. gloves do help sobo, unless your hands are already work hardened; i'm a pencil pusher. was scheduled for squamish the next day, so i wanted some skin left for that. i've worn gloves loads of times, but up until now, only for spring thrashing amidst devils club. anyhow, if you chose to wear em for this scramble, your s.o. may thank you
  4. yeah, nice report. i was there on saturday. that steel bridge deck is deadly slick in the morning! bs'd with the atv'ers on the way down, and listened to their tales of yore about how they use to sled across the north face *crevasses* in the '70s. was it really crevassed back then? there's nowt by a tiny patch of snow there now. re: cycling gloves - mine took a beating on the climb. they've been rendered fingerless.
  5. magnifique! i, more legitimately, am waiting to be roped gunned up that mtn.
  6. is there a non-strenuous way to get to Blackcomb? i thought the chair lifts were closed to 7th Heaven. drove up 2 weeks ago. but that was with permission & radio check in points with respect to constrxn. we had to be out by 5ish re: the gate.
  7. wanna borrow my heat gun Jordo? the paint will bubble up way nicer than with the hair dryer.
  8. finally! a definition i understand. tx Mister E.
  9. WHAT IS BUTT ROCK??? examples would be appreciated.
  10. a friendly lumberjack gave us a ride recently....had about a 100 years worth of facial hair, complimented by sprouting leaves 'n twigs 'n stuff. nice fellow...waved & waved as we drifted away in our boat. we all wanted to know whose smokey voice we'd been listening to in his rig...a local girl: Tamara Rhodes. i went to virgin records on robson the day that i got back to discover they'd shut down. i suspect the bigger stores don't carry it anyway. http://www.cdbaby.com/tamararhodes
  11. fern, you must have a knack for rigging stuff. forgive my standard laconic & vague posts. i'm 9, and i have a deficit of attention. and the rest of your hosers, i assumed everybody here was my age. griz, if i bring barbie's disembodied head, you can totally play with her whenever you're packing ken
  12. i've never seen hammer gels before. you're right about tubes being more economical. alas, my desire for variety overules, mostly. will order a few tubes.
  13. if barbie comes on my climb, it would be with her impailed head on my axe. anything has to be cooler than barbie. the crazy carpet is to obviate 2 carries.
  14. tx Fern. a cc can be hard to find at this time of year! i've got one, but it kinda sucked on its protype run. think i'll go with a few compression straps. i anticipate they'll get abraided tho; will prussik it to the main line for sure.
  15. these unhappy circumstances are very occasional. i don't even have to ascend high for this problem to happen. perhaps i've just had a badly sealed batch.
  16. ...rigged to yer pack. sorry, i went back to edit that in. crazy carpet: you know! long sheet of plastic that kids slide down bunny hills in winter. they must fall under the generic term "sleds" for you guys? also appropriated by ski mtnrs when they don't want to use moulded sleds. waaaay less control with a crazy carpet tho.
  17. ...rigged to your pack. how do you do it
  18. Does this happen to you at elevation? Are some brands more prone?
  19. "absinthe ducrois fils. triple rectification"
  20. you're supposed to add a wee dram o'whiskey to yer oatmeal, laddy. and Jordan, why aren't you climbing your arse off right now.
  21. your cooking talents? perversely, that looks like a yummy meal. could be better with mash. actually, everthing is yummy when in the out-of-doors.
  22. well, i just had a good lauf. silly me. i thought you were drinking sausages
  23. yeah! nice b.day present to yourself! the n.e. ridge of sloan was on the short list for your b.day weekend. we could have shared a toast (as i've started to carry rum now), but by friday night the participants wound up all over the map.
  24. fun climb indeed! drove down saturday night and had only 4hrs of undisturbed sleep @ blue lake trailhead. (i should know better!) this was my 3rd or 4th climb of SEWS this year, which makes me laugh. hey, who's done all the routes? i wasted some time at the start. somewhere it says start right at the chockstone. but i messed around on the left for a bit and found it supremely akward trying to wiggle up with the rack on despite switching sides (detest m's multi-loop gear sling). then i wasted more time on the lower traverse, trying to circumnavigate the short rap. the rest of the climb went beautifully. route finding was thought provoking the whole way. fun mix of stuff. several small tri-cam nuts on the "bolt" pitch. i think that's where the huecos and the flake with a hole (is this someone's tunnel reference perhaps?) are found. #4Camalot saw numerous placements...including the bear hug, which i chickened out on found redemption on the airy crest though
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