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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. Thanks guys, good information.


    Good idea on the quicklink vs. the pearbiner; I probably wouldn't have thought of that.


    I've heard that some people back themselves up by tying knots in a separate line (could be the other half of the rope you're climbing on if the pitch isn't more than 25-30m) and clipping into them. Seems like this would be smoother than tying backup knots mid-climb in the rope you're using to belay yourself. Any of you use a separate line for backup?

  2. Thanks Bill S. & Bill C.


    I just got a gri-gri and like the idea of getting some different uses out of it as long as it's reasonably safe. What's the big advantage of the soloist or the silent partner over the gri-gri?

  3. I want to figure out a good system for self-belaying on a solo TR setup. What do you folks who do a lot of solo toproping use for a belay?


    I've known folks who used a GriGri or a ropeman. I even saw a guy using a prussik once with no backup, which I thought was a little sketchy.

  4. I don't remember needing any gear on that climb. On the contrary, I felt it was getting tedious clipping all the bolts and started skipping them to avoid insufferable rope drag. Maybe I'm not thinking of the same thing.


    I think there's 2 ways to do the 2nd pitch. The way I've done it is to go up the gully from the cave to the bench. I think there's a couple bolts in the gully, but I put in one or 2 stoppers too. I think there's also a bolt line that goes up left from the cave to the base of the spire -- maybe that's the way you did Pitch 2, Iain?

  5. Brogan's Spire is easy, but fun. A good place to take new climbers who want to do a multi-pitch.


    If there's a crowd on the Cave Route, I recommend taking the variation that Iain mentioned (the bolt line that goes to the right after the first pitch). 2 pitches will get you to the top of the Opossum. Rap down and scramble up the Tail, then rap down to the bench below Brogan Spire. Climb Brogan Spire. The descent is straightforward: rap down from the top of Brogan to the bench, then down the gully to the cave, walk down to the top of the first pitch, rap to the ground. You'll need a 60m to get down the gully. You might need to do a double rope rap to get down from the Tail to the bench (this is what we did but a single 60 might have reached). You won't need much gear besides QDs, but a couple cams might be nice for the last pitch up the spire (and a couple small stoppers for the 2nd pitch if you do the regular Cave Route).


    Have a good time.

  6. I apologize if you can't swallow my ego... I can tell most people choke on it.




    This makes even Freddie Mercury uncomfortable. NOLSE and Scott, time to admit your true feelings for one another...

  7. yelrotflmao.gif


    But seriously, Scott -- a guy who's used the expression "cowboy up" automatically loses the right to make fun of anyone else. For thirty days. Or you can pay a fine of 10 bootied bd neutrinos. Your call.

  8. The Dalles is an earthly paradise compared to Butte, MT.


    But the worst place I've ever been is Datong, China, near the Mongolian border. I do not recommend honeymooning there. Packs of mangy dogs roaming the muddy streets, a permanent yellow smog from the coal plants that puts LA to shame. Extremely depressing.


    But this is getting away from the original subject. Who's going to step up and claim the neutrino that Jim found at Horsethief?

  9. A hundred and one

    Pounds of fun

    That's my little honeybun --

    Get a load of honeybun tonight!


    I'm speakin' of my


    Only sixty inches high

    Every inch is packed with dynamite!

  10. This has to be the most over-analyzed photo on this site.


    Y'all need to think about applying to grad school. You can over-analyze all you want there.


    Nevertheless, it's funny. Carry on!

  11. These are hilarious! Keep 'em coming.


    MisterE, I'm not sure drug scams count as "practical jokes," though they can be funny sometimes. One time my roommate and I were leaving a bar in downtown Minneapolis when a guy comes up to us and asks us if we want to buy some acid. He shows us the "acid," which is a piece of cardboard, the kind that they use for the back covers of spiral-bound notebooks, upon which someone's meticulously drawn dozens of little squares with a ballpoint pen. In each square the artist has drawn a musical note. I tell my roommate "I don't think that's acid," but he's drunk and psyched to score some drugs, so he gives the guy $35. The "dealer" throws in an eighth of pot to seal the deal. Needless to say, the "acid" is just cardboard.


    But the pot, surprisingly, is pot!


    The thing that makes me laugh the most is imagining the guy drawing all those little boxes and musical notes on the cardboard, thinking "man, the person who gives me $35 for this is a real sucker!"

  12. Yeah, we were cowering in the little alcove below the 3rd pitch, trying to stay dry, hoping the rain would stop. When we saw the tumbleweeds flying by overhead, we figured that was as good a sign as any to head down.


    So did you guys do Paper Tiger?

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