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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. That reminds me... when we were heading back across the river on Sunday, there was a crew setting up some rigging for a photo shoot up on the Picnic Lunch Wall. We ran into a guy who said they were going to take photos of Tommy Caldwell doing some 14b or something there. And that they'd drilled some new bolts...for their cameras & such.


    It all seemed cool except the part about the drilling.




    'Course this is all secondhand information.

  2. We got rained off Super Slab on Sunday morning. First time I'd seen it rain like that at Smith. Last time I leave all my spare clothes in the car, though.


    Then we hung out for a few hours 'til things dried out, then climbed some more. The tuff seems to dry off fast.

  3. Bingo. Too easy!


    How about this one: "8-track stereo, color TV in every room, and you get to snort half a piece of dope every day. That's the American Dream *. Ain't it? Well ain't it?"


    edited for complete quote including offensive racial epithet

  4. "But here's my advice to the rest of you: take dead aim on the rich boys. Get the in the crosshairs, and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything, but they can't buy backbone."




    "What do you call getting a handjob from Mrs. Calloway in the back of her Jaguar?"


    Name the movie!

  5. I'll second Will's comments. Either clam up, get out or put up and open a new gym. I think a low key coop in SE would be a great idea.


    Sorry, I don't agree. You say that folks who aren't completely happy with the PRG should either (1) keep it to themselves, (2) go climb somewhere else, or (3) open their own gym. First of all, I don't have the time, money or inclination to open my own gym. Second, sharing our concerns about what's going on at the PRG (high prices, lame routes, no swimming pool...) is a good way to let Gary know that maybe there's some stuff he should think about changing. In my business, I'd much prefer that my customers let me know when they had a problem rather than just keeping it to themselves, or going elsewhere. I hope Gary sees or hears about some of this stuff, and I hope that he recognizes it as an opportunity to improve things, rather than a bunch of malcontents whining.

  6. A buddy of mine has a really old pair of rock shoes with full-on hightops, like Chuck Taylors. I think that they might have been made by Vasque? He never gets his ankles scraped up.


    Of course, I'm pretty sure that they don't make 'em anymore, but frankly I don't understand why...

  7. That, and the least functional bike rack on Planet Earth. I behold it's stunning incompetence everytime I lock up my steed.


    I'm with you there. And what's up with the artful bike racks populating the Pearl district? It's the wave of the future...bike racks ashamed of their utilitarian nature, masquerading as sculpture.

  8. I went to club sport once and thought it was pretty lame. No fun bouldering.


    I go to PRG 'cause it's 2 blocks from my front door, which makes the outrageous prices sting a little less.


    Come on, though, Iain -- you go to PRG 'cause of the naked gay men in the bouldering area, wearing their nut tools and prussiks on their nipple rings. Clipping their rock shoes to their backpacks and such.

  9. Yeah, I thought Kerry's answer to the faith question was good, almost eloquent. But over all, a lackluster debate.


    I even dozed off a little bit at the end.

  10. I haven't bought anything from Patagonia for a dozen years, but yeah, it would be a drag if Nike bought them out. I've always considered Patagonia a socially conscious company, and I think that Nike is just the opposite -- only pretending to have a commitment to the environment and economic justice when it's convenient.

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