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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. I'm sure you're both nice-enough guys, but if you keep it up this is going to start looking like the Dishman love-in.


    Iain, keep it in perspective, ok? That found-neutrino-on-the-girth-pillar thread was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen on this board. We all owe NOLSe a debt of gratitude.

  2. I'm just wondering where other folks like to go when they want to get off the beaten path.


    the menagerie, a huge amount of routes for you and only you when your there! im trying to find a partner to get in there this weekend if any one want to join me.


    Yeah, I saw your partner post - I'd join you, but this weekend I'm following the beaten path to Smith. Maybe sometime later in the fall if it stays dry, though. I hiked up to Rooster Rock last Friday and saw a lot of potentially fun climbing there. I think I was probably the only one up there that day.

  3. I've checked out Dodge, and looked at Greg Orton's SW Oregon book (though I don't have a copy; think the 1st edition's sold out). I'm just wondering where other folks like to go when they want to get off the beaten path.


    C'mon, who wants to break out the double 0.348 furlong ropes and the crepe soled shoes and send some choss?

  4. I've been spending a lot of time just cragging, nothing alpine for the last month. Same with a lot of folks I know around here.


    So here's a question for the folks who've been Oregonians longer than me: what are the good alpine and adventure rock spots in the fall? I've been thinking of going down to check out Wolf Rock -- anyone here know much about the routes there? And how's the scramble to the top? Easy to find, or tricky?


    Also the Menagerie: besides Rooster Rock, what are the must-do routes back there (good rock preferred)?

  5. Camilo Office Furniture is about the legacy of two men who loved the feel of wood and the pleasure and pride they derived from working it with their hands.


    That's hilarious. Not everyone can make a living doing what they really enjoy!

  6. I got a speeding ticket here in Portland a while back. I didn't bother contesting it, 'cause I knew I was speeding (35 in a 25 zone), just sent in my check dutifully.


    A month later they sent back half of my fine, with no explanation. confused.gif

  7. You especially want to be solid on crevasse rescue if it's just going to be you and one partner.


    Sounds like you might want to look at a couple books: "The Freedom of the Hills," published by the Mountaineers, and Andy Selters' "Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue."

  8. Collectively, our group felt that we made a strong effort to return the site location back to its original condition. Naturally, that is not achievable and you are left with your effort to mark your final result.


    Naturally. thumbs_down.gif


    The question of how much damage (temporary, permanent, whatever) your corporation did to the area aside, I simply find it annoying that you decided to put this massive commercial event on in a place where people go to get away from that bullshit. It's arrogant.

  9. If you're going to have a beer in my honor while you're sojourning in the land of 10K lakes, you better make it a Summit IPA. Or a Leinie's.


    Fitger's is kinda highbrow. For you, I'd recommend the Club Saratoga.


    But we better not turn this into the Duluth bar scene thread. It'd be a short conversation anyway.

  10. The guy didn't seem to take much notice of the low rumble emmanating from behind the bush, but when the dog hurled itself towards its next target, this guy turned the predator-prey dynamic squarely on its head and lunged towards the dog with one choking-hand extended towards its throat and one spam-block sized fist cocked atop an arm purpose built for skull-crushing, all the while bellowing out a roar that sounded like a silverback gorilla's kill signal amplfied by a speaker tower at a Motorhead concert for the deaf.


    Best prose of the week! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

  11. ...and if you'd eat there, it's not a dive.


    The funny thing is my folks used to go to the Hung Far Lo when they lived in Portland back in the sixties. It must have been a lot nicer then, 'cause I got the impression it was kind of their date place.

  12. I've got to second the vote for Beulahland. Best jukebox I've ever seen.


    If you want a real dive, you can't do better than my neighborhood bar, the Sandy Hut. Home of the famous Fatman Sandwich!


    Hung Far Lo is scary, or at least it was the one and only time I wandered in there.

  13. ...why did you vote for Clinton, Dukakis, or Carter? Each had limited experience in the world, had communication problems, and had their share of gaffs.


    How many gaffs do you suppose they had between them?



    Or did you mean gaffes?

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