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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes


    What is the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to you while climbing?


    While hiking out from Mt Forbes in the Canadian Rockies, I developed wickedly chafed thighs from my wool knickers.....


    Wool knickers, that's sufficient. I'm blushing for you already.


    OK, I have a pair too. A vintage pair courtesy of my father-in-law.

  1. It's a stretch to compare Helen Thomas (a respected journalist) with James Guckert/Jeff Gannon (who has less in the way of journalistic credentials than I do, and that's saying something).


    The fact that he seems to also be a gay prostitute might turn out to be totally irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that he got in to these press conferences at all. Asking about the vetting process and who approved him and why might yield some interesting answers.


    He also seems to have something to do with the Plame outing, which is really making the conspiracy theorists salivate.

  2. 1. Have a "meaningful" discussion with our girlfriend.


    so there really is only one girlfriend for all the climbers out there shocked.gif


    No, I think it's merely an example of the "royal" first person plural.


    Although he could be alluding to the practice of polyandry, which, according to last night's Globe Trekker, is still alive and well in the backwoods of Nepal.

  3. I also got it for Xmas.


    Rock & Roll Could Never... is by far the best track on the album, but it could have done without the "history/philosophy of hip hop" monologues at the beginning. Lord Finesse's ~30 seconds beats everything else on the disc hands down.

  4. Like CBS, I'm not shedding any tears over Stewart's conviction. I think he summed it up pretty well.


    As far as Churchill goes, he's guilty of tactlessness and grandstanding for sure, but he's got a right to say what he likes, doesn't he? I don't agree with his portrayal of the 9/11 victims as Nazis, but I think what he said gives some insight into why the World Trade Center was targeted in the first place. It wasn't chosen at random.


    That said, may everyone who died that day rest in peace.

  5. Olyclimber & Squid, please make sure to check in with Socrates, Billy the Kid and Beethoven too. With all that brainpower you should be able to answer not only the question of which climber is having the most fun, but also...


    If a climber drops a biner on the Girth Piller and there's no one around, does NOLSe hear it?

  6. You were reading a geeky publication? I don't beleive it.


    I too am incredulous.


    They chose an interesting pair of examples of "niche" audiences. Not everyone is a "mountain climber," but everyone, in one way or another, is a member of an "ethnic group" (broadly defined). They might as well have said: "...niche audiences, such as wallpaper hangers, or those who must eat food to survive."


    ...of course I know that "ethnic group" is really a euphemism for "minority," but whatever.

  7. If I didn't have this MF'n job I'm sure I'd climb at least 2x per week, and be able to call myself a climber.


    But without the MF'n job I'd have no gear. Or food.


    Whatcha gonna do?

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