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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. I've only climbed Thielsen in late season, but it seems like it would be a nice climb on snow -- less scrambling over loose rock.


    My choice for a 3-day climbing trip in OR would be to go to the 3 Sisters Wilderness. But you've probably been up those peaks, I'm guessing.

  2. How 'bout something a little obscurer?


    From the pioneer days:


    I'm just an addict, addicted to music

    Maybe it's a habit, I gotta use it

    Even if it's jazz or the quiet storm

    I hook a beat up and convert it into hip-hop form

    Write a rhyme in graffitti and every show you see me in

    Deep concentration, 'cause I'm no comedian...


    Bonus -- one for the international audience (Dru should have no problem with this, since he's required to parle francais half the year, right?):


    Ils s'etaient rencontres sur les bancs d'l'ecole

    Entre une heure de colle de maths ou d'un cours d'espagnol

    C'etait un fille fun fana de football

    Lui ne craignait pas les balles, c'etait le goal...


    No google searches! Use your noggin.

  3. Tenet was a Clinton appointee, not a Bush "crony" by any stretch.


    And yeah, it's been demonstrated that the CIA is run by a bunch of incompetents, but don't be fooled - Tenet's just a scapegoat here. If we're judging our top officials on the job they're doing to make the world safer for Americans, there's a couple other top officials who might want to think about resigning.

  4. I'm looking for a partner or partners to do some climbing at Rocky Butte (Portland) on weekday evenings this spring & summer. Send me a PM if interested.


    And yeah, I know Broughton's is prettier, but I can bike to Rocky Butte after work and get more climbing in before it gets dark. Plus the sound of the freeway below is soothing!

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