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Everything posted by Martlet

  1. Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to post the pic you sent me? Oops.
  2. How do you know my mom? Did you send that picture to her? You must have spelled the address wrong, because I got it. Jenny Craig doesn't seem to be working for you.
  3. You can't even spell when the word is right in front of you. How's that GED treating you? upset b/c i won't spell your name correctly? Not WON'T, CAN'T without help. Holy trailer park Bat Man. Stop sending me picture.
  4. Damn, you need a shave.
  5. You can't even spell when the word is right in front of you. How's that GED treating you?
  6. HAHA, nice back track. It almost passed as a recover. I give you a B, for effort. That's including your handicap.
  7. i bet you didn't know you can also try it with "miserable failure" and "french military victories" and "waffles"
  8. Minxie's upset because I know her last three johns.
  9. jjd is yet nother man infatuated with naked men. I hereby officially declare this site a homo mecca.
  10. Hey... is that the same as CBS?
  11. quiet! justin already thinks I'm a cartoonist.
  12. Another proposition? Ask justin, he's actively looking.
  13. Martlet

    Day By Day

    That the Rainbo Warrior?
  14. I didn't "let" him do anything. Since I changed domains, he's free to post whatever he wants. He's a liberal. I wanted an opposing view on my site. Unlike here. If you'd read further, you'd have seen where that's all spelled out for you.
  15. Martlet is playing impossible to get. That's why I gave you other options. I'm nice like that.
  16. It's also written by my brother, not me, moron. See where it says "posted by"? How's that GED working for you?
  17. You propositioning me again? Hey, why don't you and JoshK get together? You can both give up trolling rest stops.
  18. I've only briefly browsed your web site, but this quote jumps out at me. What about it?
  19. I figured since you spend all day thinking up things to write about me when you get back from the soup kitchen, the least I could do is have a retort ready.
  20. Martlet

    Day By Day

    You're the second person on here to proposition me. Are all WA liberals homos? It's not my fault I get all hot and bothered when the flys! Although maybe the right wing disagrees... I didn't place any blame, I simply asked if all WA liberals were homos. Next time I'll type slower for you.
  21. Martlet

    I like Martlet:

    I'm hungry.
  22. Martlet

    Day By Day

    You're the second person on here to proposition me. Are all WA liberals homos?
  23. It just takes you 5 times as long to read and form a thought as it does me.
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