they would turn on him in a second.
Some reactionary. He seems pretty moderate to me in retrospect. BTW, under whose watch was the EPA and some of that early environmental legislation created?
As for a reactionary, how about FDR: he tried to stack the supreme court, interned thousands of Japanese American citizens, established a huge, powerful state bureaucracy...
In other words, become a liberal tax-and-spend big government statist. I can't think of a much worse policy than to go down the universal healthcare road as its proponents plan. What we need to do is honestly evaluate the reasons for the rising costs of health care and address those (and that means rising malpractice costs and tort reform). In general, we need to stop treating symptoms with ever-expensive bandaids, and address the underlying problems. That would be too hard though I guess.
Maybe I should embrace the bickering. Deadlock might mean no new taxes and a halt to an exponentially expanding federal government...