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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. don't know - I'm not familiar with Jewish theology, or how they would explain the examples you cited.
  2. Post deleted by KaskadskyjKozak
  3. and scorched-earth annihilation of your enemy (Joshua). but the old testament is superceded by the new.
  4. touche
  5. excellent. corroborative evidence for my corollary!
  6. There is a theory that global warming could induce an ice age by halting northerly currents in the Pacific...
  7. And an important corollary: It's easier to overlook the shortcomings of your friend than of your enemy.
  8. Motto of the secularists: "The lower you set your standards, the easier it is to succeed."
  9. DC is an anachronism. Separated from Virginina/Maryland for a reason... consult a history textbook.
  10. Oh the humanity!!!
  11. As they did for Clinton twice, as well as for every public appearance he made across the United States and the world. No small sum there either. Get a grip already people.
  12. Poshel ty na khuj
  13. pochemu-to ya ne veryu, chto Vy russki...
  14. I've got a Mandrake Root It's some thunder in my brain I feed it to my babe She thunders just the same Food of love sets her flame Ah, stick it up I've got the Mandrake Root Baby's just the same She still feels a quiver She's still got the flame She slows down, slows right down I've got the power D. P.
  15. You've got to be kidding...? The only agenda for the second term iis setting up Jeb Bush - 2008. Mark my words. I'd be for a constitutional amendment banning family members from eligibility to the presidency within say 20 years. That includes spouses.
  16. He did cut taxes, but, yes, he does overspend. Universal health care would bring the spending to a whole new level. And taxes would be raised to pay for it. No thanks.
  17. The sexually obsessed lefties will have no problem squeezing a condom over Sponge Bob for a live class demo for the kindergarteners - asexual or not...
  18. they would turn on him in a second. Some reactionary. He seems pretty moderate to me in retrospect. BTW, under whose watch was the EPA and some of that early environmental legislation created? As for a reactionary, how about FDR: he tried to stack the supreme court, interned thousands of Japanese American citizens, established a huge, powerful state bureaucracy... In other words, become a liberal tax-and-spend big government statist. I can't think of a much worse policy than to go down the universal healthcare road as its proponents plan. What we need to do is honestly evaluate the reasons for the rising costs of health care and address those (and that means rising malpractice costs and tort reform). In general, we need to stop treating symptoms with ever-expensive bandaids, and address the underlying problems. That would be too hard though I guess. Maybe I should embrace the bickering. Deadlock might mean no new taxes and a halt to an exponentially expanding federal government...
  19. And what "facts" are those. From what source(s) do they derive and how are they checked for accuracy. See discussion above.
  20. Here's a clue: CK is tres gay... we all watched him... now we're arguing about Sponge Bob and Tinkie Winkie in a tu-tu.
  21. ditto vis a vis your avatar... exposing your buttcheeks to the world... hmm... "Not that there's anything wrong with that"
  22. ditto vis a vis your avatar... exposing your buttcheeks to the world... hmm...
  23. you must have been deprived then... you didn't recognize that photo? and why I was laughing at it?
  24. more hyperbole from an overwrought Bush hater...
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