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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. what do you have against bush?
  2. if we keep talking about it, maybe we'll spell it right eventually
  3. the judge should order that this guy be pushed back over that cliff
  4. i love the smell of napalm in the morning!
  5. Ronald McDonald is a butt-pirate. discuss.
  6. I plan on climbing the Tacoma glacier on Rainier in September. What will the conditions be like? Also is there any cragging near there? And what will I need on my rack. Thx.
  7. beware of ligers... btw anyone run into a liger in the cascades?
  8. Thread drift is all Bush's fault.
  9. Great. Mt. Si and Mailbox sightings. That'll make me feel secure next time I am doing a conditioner in the dark up there in the winter.
  10. that logic doesn't work in these situations... you could plausibly argue the first phrase too by similar logic. you have to know the etymology of the phrase to get it right.
  11. Now that the word police are listening, is it "tow the line" or "toe the line"?
  12. The word police just PM'd me to say that "just deserts" is spelled with one s. the word police are morons. desert = Mojave, Sahara, etc. OK, I retract. But did anybody else here know there is another word pronounced like dessert, but with one s?
  13. The word police just PM'd me to say that "just deserts" is spelled with one s. the word police are morons. desert = Mojave, Sahara, etc.
  14. Maybe you could put together a "Bush sings Slayer" montage?
  15. I just remembered another story: someone I know was descending from Little Tahoma in June '04, and ran into a cougar right on the trail. It reared back like it was going to pounce and hissed at her. She made herself look bigger and backed away slowly.
  16. I know someone who was "stalked" by one early season while hiking on the Glacier Basin trail en route to climb Libery Ridge. They were warned about Cougars by the rangers, and on a whim did a loop back to their footprints behind and found paw prints.
  17. somebody has way too much time on their hands
  18. I was there 2 weeks ago... still snow patches up there and delicious water meltoff
  19. The Decameron. Original translation into English. Mirthful, entertaining, enlightening view into the medieval world.
  20. look! Redneckus Cascadia! notice the mating mullet and torn tshirt plumage! redneck... or an SOD fan: Fuck the middle east There's too many problems They just get in the way We sure could live without them They hijack our planes They raise our oil prices We'll kill them all and have a ball And end their fuckin' crisis BEIRUT, LEBANON-Won't exist once we're done LIBYA, IRAN-We'll flush the bastards down the can SYRIANS and SHIITES-Crush their faces with our might Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks
  21. I use Scarpa Mantas - they are leather and I nik-wax them like crazy. I've used them on Baker, Rainier, Shasta, and Hood. No problems with cold or wet feet.
  22. I kind of agree with your POV on this one... OTOH, I can't help but think of that movie with Samuel L... "Is this a m****?"
  23. If this arithmatic were the result of Hezbollah's moral restraint, then the respective casualties would mean something. Given that the only reason that Israeli casualties are that low because Israel is prepared for such attacks, and Hezbollah's weaponry is less effective at killing civilians than they'd like, we are once again confusing things which are physically equivalent with those that are morally equivalent. By that logic if the Germans had succeeded in killing only a fraction of the number of German civilians that England had succeded in killing , despite the Germans's best efforts to kill many more, the German's would have been the morally superior actor in that conflict. I don't know about that... the 18->600 strikes me as a disproportionate retaliation, which really has no parallel to WWII. A more apt parallel would be WWI where the assassination of one man escalated into the deaths of millions.
  24. more like 300-400 years.
  25. Israel is bombing Lebanon? Isn't that a norm rather than an exception in the last 50 years of history? Plus ca change...
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