Define 'excessive'...
I like how he singles out hallucinogenic drugs and not things like alcohol, which is, of course, 'socially acceptable'.....
And, of course, alcohol never makes you think or believe things that aren't true or real....
it takes less acid to fuck you up over a shorter period of time - and cause permanent damage.
too much alcohol over a long time can fuck you up permanently as well, of course. nice try at obfuscation, however.
Why don't you tell us how many people die every year from alcohol poisoning vs. from LSD overdoses, then?
good point (for once I'll give you one).
but people OD on Ecstasy, Cocaine, and Heroine too. you can take anything in a large enough quantity and kill yourself (even good old dihydrogen monoxide).
I don't think anyone has OD'd on gange though, so you're safe!