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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak


    Are you saying there's no room for one more? Only if someone bans Kevbone. He takes up the space of a few dozen assclowns.
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    Our right to effect change went by by the minute Bush took office. Oh God, not this shit again. Take of the Beer googles your using for politics and use where they belong. Gee, didn't the Dems just take congress? I guess Bush controlled that too - it was certainly the outcome he wanted.
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    yeah, they just get "trapped". all by accident, nothing they ever did (or continue to do). You're right -- every single person in the country can be rich -- all at the same time! You believe in perpetual motion machines, too, don't you? Yay! Free Energy! I said nothing of the sort. Another assclown joins Spray.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    yeah, they just get "trapped". all by accident, nothing they ever did (or continue to do).
  5. you're swift! that was exactly what I was parroting
  6. Don't like a Quadrant Home? Don't buy one!
  7. the War on Poverty is a crock of crap and a waste of money, just like the War on Drugs. Net change = zero. Great ROI!
  8. No. JFK just sent advisors. Johnson escalated. I guess Bush's successor will be like Nixon if we repeat history according to your analogy. Impeach Hilary!!
  9. I am not sure I've heard anyone voice this opinion before. Johnson was as sneaky, heavy-handed, mean, and power-hungry as Nixon.
  10. Looking at Kennedy's strong anti-Commie stance, hawkish approaches to Cuba and the Sovyetskij Soyuz, and tax-cutting policies and he smacks more of a Republican than a contemporary Demo-lib.
  11. And Jed can not only speak Spanish, but English as well!
  13. String concatenation in Java is evil. Better to use StringBuffers. StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64); buf.append("start "); buf.append("concatenating "); buf.append("and "); buf.append("continue "); buf.append("as long as you like!"); buf.toString():
  14. that thread totally rocked. simply awesome. I have the link here handy somewhere... sorry no time to give it to you.
  15. haven't read that one yet (or seen Kubrik's film)
  16. Dostoevsky has a way of making you feel as insane and anxious as his main characters. Ditto for the bro in Karamazovy who keeps obsessing about the damn wallet with the $$ in it.
  17. I don't think that's what they are thinking of first...
  18. OK, that is the best line I have EVER heard! Do you know if it worked??? I just told a bunch of middle aged ladies this line, and they all thought it totally RAWKED! That line is old, old, old.
  19. Crime and Punishment... good book
  20. Whatever you say Herr Goebels.
  21. that's not a fart you smell; it's Kevboner's breath
  22. Are you saying W is "OK" because he is a graduate from college? Man, that doesn't mean shit! If you graduated from college... case in point!
  23. Go back and read the complete history of WWII. It is utter foolishness to even try to compare W to Hitler. Please try to get a grip on reality! W is out at the next election. If by some miraculous chance he is back in power having won a third term, then you can start to make your case, until then forget it. You are just fooling yourself. More to the point, if W was Hitler the Dems never would have won majorities in Congress last year. They'd all be dead in a pit somewhere.
  24. the yellow markers on cc.com for thread read/not-read status? they work for me on Did you just clear your cache? Don't get personal.
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